I’ve been put on a performance plan


I’m on the CV team and have been put on a performance plan aka PIP due to my numbers being low. I know other reps with lower numbers than me who aren’t on a pip. HR of course knows I’m on a pip. If I do get fired, can I sue Novartis and claim that I was singled out?


You can sue, but it won't be worth it. Doubtful a worthwhile attorney will take your case on contingency. You will have to pony-up money.

Others may have lower numbers than you, UT you are likely bottom 10% for your group/bucket/band/bracket?

Stat looking for a new job yesterday!

If you don't find one before getting terminated, you have the excuse of reorg/restructure as cover for your job loss. No one can verify this and Novartis HR only verifies:
*employment dates
*ending job title

I’m on the CV team and have been put on a performance plan aka PIP due to my numbers being low. I know other reps with lower numbers than me who aren’t on a pip. HR of course knows I’m on a pip. If I do get fired, can I sue Novartis and claim that I was singled out?

Novartis does not want to pay severance with your benefits expense. If only Novartis leadership was held accountable to the same standards... Vas, Vicky, Exton would all be gone by now....

I’m on the CV team and have been put on a performance plan aka PIP due to my numbers being low. I know other reps with lower numbers than me who aren’t on a pip. HR of course knows I’m on a pip. If I do get fired, can I sue Novartis and claim that I was singled out?

I think you may have a case to sue. With our sub par data capture is very possible you aren’t getting full credit for all the business in your area. Which is why I thought it was next to impossible to get terminated solely for performance. Is there anything else in your PIP besides sales performance?

Highly doubt you have a case, because I highly doubt that your numbers are the ONLY reason listed for your PIP. There are always specific behaviors tied to a PIP, and there’s no way to prove that your behaviors are the exact same as someone else’s. Your best bet is to correct every negative behavior listed on your PIP and perform any other action listed as part of the plan to improve, no matter how stupid, and document it as much as you can. It will make it more difficult for P&O to approve you getting fired. That being said, once a manager puts you on a PIP, it’s clear that he/she wants you to leave, so staying will be miserable unless your manager leaves.

Highly doubt you have a case, because I highly doubt that your numbers are the ONLY reason listed for your PIP. There are always specific behaviors tied to a PIP, and there’s no way to prove that your behaviors are the exact same as someone else’s. Your best bet is to correct every negative behavior listed on your PIP and perform any other action listed as part of the plan to improve, no matter how stupid, and document it as much as you can. It will make it more difficult for P&O to approve you getting fired. That being said, once a manager puts you on a PIP, it’s clear that he/she wants you to leave, so staying will be miserable unless your manager leaves.

Looks like with upcoming layoff you will probably be gone. Usually everyone on Pip during that time is let go. Maybe that was the intentions…

I’m on the CV team and have been put on a performance plan aka PIP due to my numbers being low. I know other reps with lower numbers than me who aren’t on a pip. HR of course knows I’m on a pip. If I do get fired, can I sue Novartis and claim that I was singled out?

Being put in a PIP is short for let the witch hunt begin. Let’s face it work withs and PA are subjective. If you manager took the time to PIP you don’t take it personal since this is the NVS way and the company is complete debacle. More than likely you don’t have any type of case since you will never get any backing from HR. My option you’re not going to correct anything since your mgr is probably a douche. Just move on and spare yourself the 90 stress, extra work withs and grief you will be better off in the end.

A former coworker was put on a pip 2 years after winning PC. What he did in response was brilliant. He went on medical leave due to stress. During that time he secured another job. A few years later he rejoined NVS (oncology). After a few more years he left NVS (voluntarily) for a better opportunity. Don't let the bastards control your life.

A former coworker was put on a pip 2 years after winning PC. What he did in response was brilliant. He went on medical leave due to stress. During that time he secured another job. A few years later he rejoined NVS (oncology). After a few more years he left NVS (voluntarily) for a better opportunity. Don't let the bastards control your life.

wow brilliant plan actually. I wonder how he was able to be put on paid medical leave due to stress

wow brilliant plan actually. I wonder how he was able to be put on paid medical leave due to stress
Medical (physician, psychologist, psychiatrist) documentation.

Stress is like pain. Subjective. Granted long term issues of stress can manifest into significant medical problems that are measurable, but immediate stress crisis subjective.
*sleepless (can't measure it unless connected to some machine)
*nausea (can't measure it)
*headache (can't measure it)

Where there's a will, there's a way.

Medical (physician, psychologist, psychiatrist) documentation.

Stress is like pain. Subjective. Granted long term issues of stress can manifest into significant medical problems that are measurable, but immediate stress crisis subjective.
*sleepless (can't measure it unless connected to some machine)
*nausea (can't measure it)
*headache (can't measure it)

Where there's a will, there's a way.

so smart. I love this plan and will keep it in the back of my mind. I can always get a therapist to write a letter that my stress has been bad. I have natural anxiety as is

so smart. I love this plan and will keep it in the back of my mind. I can always get a therapist to write a letter that my stress has been bad. I have natural anxiety as is

I was in the same situation as you years ago and I hate to be harsh, but there is no back of your mind. The restructure happens in 3 weeks. If you are on a PIP you will be let go, that's why they put you on one.

Don't try to play games you have no case, it's a waste of time.

Good news is you will get severance.

This job doesn't define you, go out and find something better. Show them that they made a mistake by succeeding.

I was in the same situation as you years ago and I hate to be harsh, but there is no back of your mind. The restructure happens in 3 weeks. If you are on a PIP you will be let go, that's why they put you on one.

Don't try to play games you have no case, it's a waste of time.

Good news is you will get severance.

This job doesn't define you, go out and find something better. Show them that they made a mistake by succeeding.
Thank you for being REAL

Depression/anxiety. All you need is a doctor willing to fill out the paperwork.

That’s the hardest part. Doctors hate when people ask for this…too many people just want an excuse to not work. They turn these requests down all the time. If your anxiety/depression is debilitating enough that you can’t work then they’ll be putting you on meds or changing up your current meds.

Now, if you have a friend that’s a doctor who would be willing to write something up for you…that’s another story!

I agree with the other post that said you’re better than this job. Enjoy that awesome severance!! Many people, including myself, are jealous!

I was in the same situation as you years ago and I hate to be harsh, but there is no back of your mind. The restructure happens in 3 weeks. If you are on a PIP you will be let go, that's why they put you on one.

Don't try to play games you have no case, it's a waste of time.

Good news is you will get severance.

This job doesn't define you, go out and find something better. Show them that they made a mistake by succeeding.
try going to work and Selling something... you were not hired to drink coffee in your rental cars

That’s the hardest part. Doctors hate when people ask for this…too many people just want an excuse to not work. They turn these requests down all the time. If your anxiety/depression is debilitating enough that you can’t work then they’ll be putting you on meds or changing up your current meds.

Now, if you have a friend that’s a doctor who would be willing to write something up for you…that’s another story!

I agree with the other post that said you’re better than this job. Enjoy that awesome severance!! Many people, including myself, are jealous!

Sorry, I kind of figured the whole having a doctor that’s a friend went without saying. If you’ve done this job for awhile, you ought to know at least one. Side note, though, doctors in general are more willing to do thar kind of thing for people who aren’t just trying to get disability from the government.