I’m out, just like this company


I made the wrong choice by coming to this company. We’re so screwed! I don’t know why I for a second I thought this drug that has been delayed could compete far larger companies would think of deeper checkbooks than ours.I’m out. any longer with this company is like riding the titanic.

I made the wrong choice by coming to this company. We’re so screwed! I don’t know why I for a second I thought this drug that has been delayed could compete far larger companies would think of deeper checkbooks than ours.I’m out. any longer with this company is like riding the titanic.
The migraine market has become saturated. Ever since Amgen launched Aimovig, everyone has jumped on the migraine bandwagon. It’s ridiculous. How many migraine meds are really needed, and how do docs decide when there are a half dozen to choose from? I know that some are for acute and some for prevention, but the market is still flooded.

I made the wrong choice by coming to this company. We’re so screwed! I don’t know why I for a second I thought this drug that has been delayed could compete far larger companies would think of deeper checkbooks than ours.I’m out. any longer with this company is like riding the titanic.

You must have been wasted when typing this

I made the wrong choice by coming to this company. We’re so screwed! I don’t know why I for a second I thought this drug that has been delayed could compete far larger companies would think of deeper checkbooks than ours.I’m out. any longer with this company is like riding the titanic.

How self-absorbed do you need to be to post this sob story? Don't go away mad...just go away.

I made the wrong choice by coming to this company. We’re so screwed! I don’t know why I for a second I thought this drug that has been delayed could compete far larger companies would think of deeper checkbooks than ours.I’m out. any longer with this company is like riding the titanic.
Good, we don’t need you. You were a bad hire.

I made the wrong choice by coming to this company. We’re so screwed! I don’t know why I for a second I thought this drug that has been delayed could compete far larger companies would think of deeper checkbooks than ours.I’m out. any longer with this company is like riding the titanic.
I’m sorry you didn’t get the job

I made the wrong choice by coming to this company. We’re so screwed! I don’t know why I for a second I thought this drug that has been delayed could compete far larger companies would think of deeper checkbooks than ours.I’m out. any longer with this company is like riding the titanic.

You are obiously a troll because "this drug" has not been delayed. In fact it is ahead of schedule for approval. You have never worked here. Go find somewhere else to spew your phony bs.

The migraine market has become saturated. Ever since Amgen launched Aimovig, everyone has jumped on the migraine bandwagon. It’s ridiculous. How many migraine meds are really needed, and how do docs decide when there are a half dozen to choose from? I know that some are for acute and some for prevention, but the market is still flooded.

Have you ever sold drugs before? OMG..there is rarely a class of drugs that does not have stiff competition from several others...at least any market worth trying to make money in. Overcrowed? These new drugs are the FIRST oral option in cgrp. Gee, tough sell.

Have you ever sold drugs before? OMG..there is rarely a class of drugs that does not have stiff competition from several others...at least any market worth trying to make money in. Overcrowed? These new drugs are the FIRST oral option in cgrp. Gee, tough sell.
Ummm, yeah. I’ve sold drugs before. That’s how I know that docs are being steered towards generics by both commercial insurance and Medicare. Pharma is completely out of step with this. That’s why all branded medication is a tough sell and pharma companies constantly go through layoffs. You may have noticed that there are a lot fewer drug reps than there were years ago. That’s a trend that will continue.

Have you ever sold drugs before? OMG..there is rarely a class of drugs that does not have stiff competition from several others...at least any market worth trying to make money in. Overcrowed? These new drugs are the FIRST oral option in cgrp. Gee, tough sell.
Maybe first in class but it’s going to be at best second line after triptans,etc. The real marketplace is relatively small as 95% will be generics not branded. It’s super tough to introduce a new med in today’s marketplace, especially in primary care and especially when the clinical benefits/improvements are marginal. I’m not dissing your chances/opportunity, it’s just super tough.

Maybe first in class but it’s going to be at best second line after triptans,etc. The real marketplace is relatively small as 95% will be generics not branded. It’s super tough to introduce a new med in today’s marketplace, especially in primary care and especially when the clinical benefits/improvements are marginal. I’m not dissing your chances/opportunity, it’s just super tough.

I believe that is called selling and is why you were hired. If it was easy and a slam dunk, we would just run some ads in Headache and call it a day.

I believe that is called selling and is why you were hired. If it was easy and a slam dunk, we would just run some ads in Headache and call it a day.

Pharma sales is really not sales. It is marketing. A person with no MD and no clinical experience is never going to get a doc to write a product they don’t believe in. Cost is king. These new migraine drugs will be used only in special circumstances. Generic triptans will always be 1st line. That’s the direction all of healthcare is going to in terms of medications. Generics, always use generics. You can be the most charming, persuasive rep on the planet, but when using a branded medication negatively impacts a doctors wallet, it just ain’t happening!

Pharma sales is really not sales. It is marketing. A person with no MD and no clinical experience is never going to get a doc to write a product they don’t believe in. Cost is king. These new migraine drugs will be used only in special circumstances. Generic triptans will always be 1st line. That’s the direction all of healthcare is going to in terms of medications. Generics, always use generics. You can be the most charming, persuasive rep on the planet, but when using a branded medication negatively impacts a doctors wallet, it just ain’t happening!
DAH...tell us something we don't know..get outta here. Go play in another yard..we get it; pharma is dead for you bye bye.