Human Rights Abuses in China


Hello!!!!! China is no longer a communist country. We are helping them make the jump to capitalism by letting them buy our country and take our jobs.

It's an easy switch from being a greedy Communist leader to a greedy free-market Conservative. Hardly any difference at all, really........

Hello!!!!! China is no longer a communist country. We are helping them make the jump to capitalism by letting them buy our country and take our jobs.

It's an easy switch from being a greedy Communist leader to a greedy free-market Conservative. Hardly any difference at all, really........

better learn chinese... and study your book of MAO! Your will be working for them sooner than you think. BTW any government that has a crackdown on chrisianity- is communist...

Do you own an iPod? iPad? Apple? Its manufactured in Shen Zen, China.

Just think of that poor communist who made your iPOD, who is not allowed to practice cristianity or have more than one child, making 10 cents an hour every time you listen to it! Also think about how your own job may someday be given to a chinese communist making 10 cents an hour....