huge restructure (i.e. firings on the way)


Came back from a meeting where i heard that the senior upper management will cull the salesforce and management team. Employee cuts are in order across the board.

Rumors,.... if under performing, then PIP with expectation that you will not be able to hit your PIP and termination will follow without paying unemployment or severance.

Beware to all who are under 80%.

I just read an article from about president Obama signing a bill that basically cuts Medicare reimbursement up to 75%. The good news is that the actual cuts won't start until 2017 and are only scheduled to be 10-15% per year until 2022. They are using data collected from 2016 to justify the appropriate payment. This means we have time to brace and realign our employees. We can make 10% improvements we just need to keep an open mind and hope that management reacts with a sense of urgency but stays calm and collected. I believe in us!

I dont wish anyone to lose their job but as a lab sales professional for many years I am interested to see what happens. When you cant operate on a said margin- sh*+ gets real.

Novartis doesn't need Genoptix to be profitable. The sole reason the company was purchased was for data. It has been known Genoptix will raise sales expectations to beyond what the market has to offer until reps stop making commission and eventually quit. They will be a skeleton crew of sales reps over the next 3 years. They are continuing to lose ground to other labs and bring nothing new to the market. How can anyone really believe that is sustainable let alone successful. I'm already on the hunt for a new job, not going to wait me to run out of my job via PIP.

Novartis doesn't need Genoptix to be profitable. The sole reason the company was purchased was for data. It has been known Genoptix will raise sales expectations to beyond what the market has to offer until reps stop making commission and eventually quit. They will be a skeleton crew of sales reps over the next 3 years. They are continuing to lose ground to other labs and bring nothing new to the market. How can anyone really believe that is sustainable let alone successful. I'm already on the hunt for a new job, not going to wait me to run out of my job via PIP.

Bluckety bluckety blah blah blah. It sucks you suk we all suck. Kiss my fat blonde ass and you can fluckety flah flah flah