HRS wasn't a home run, it was a grand slam!

First sir, you are an ignoramous. Learn how to spell attorney before attempting to rebut me. Second, you just proved yourself a fraud. The OIG, DOJ or any of the alphabet boys do not use the phone to contact potential witnesses during a formal investigation. If these gentlemen want to talk, you would receive a subpoena. Finally, why would a State Attorney have need need to speak to you regarding laws that clearly pertain to federal statutes. Once you receive a formal subpoena and are interviewed by a real investigator than make a claim. Until then cease and desist your scurrilous claims.

Zoll owes you a debt of gratitude

First sir, you are an ignoramous. Learn how to spell attorney before attempting to rebut me. Second, you just proved yourself a fraud. The OIG, DOJ or any of the alphabet boys do not use the phone to contact potential witnesses during a formal investigation. If these gentlemen want to talk, you would receive a subpoena. Finally, why would a State Attorney have need need to speak to you regarding laws that clearly pertain to federal statutes. Once you receive a formal subpoena and are interviewed by a real investigator than make a claim. Until then cease and desist your scurrilous claims.

First of all you should quit trying to practice law. I was contacted by the DOJ. On the phone was the states attourney for a state that will remain nameless. This is fact!! Second 3 other people in my region were also contacted. No subpoena needed. Let's just say they have contacted many past employees. I can't speak for current. Ps thank you for letting us keep our computers when we left!! My managers outrageous unethical e mails are well preserved!! You keep practicing arm chair law. In fact maybe you can represent my old Regional Manager!!! Wouldn't that be great!! That's all the info your getting outa me!!! If they decide to SUBPONA my computer I'll let you know. Wait.... on second thought NO I won't!!

First of all you should quit trying to practice law. I was contacted by the DOJ. On the phone was the states attourney for a state that will remain nameless. This is fact!! Second 3 other people in my region were also contacted. No subpoena needed. Let's just say they have contacted many past employees. I can't speak for current. Ps thank you for letting us keep our computers when we left!! My managers outrageous unethical e mails are well preserved!! You keep practicing arm chair law. In fact maybe you can represent my old Regional Manager!!! Wouldn't that be great!! That's all the info your getting outa me!!! If they decide to SUBPONA my computer I'll let you know. Wait.... on second thought NO I won't!!
Did the DOJ suggest that you take a basic 3rd grade spelling and grammar course. One again, let me reiterate the DOJ does not conduct investigations via the phone. They follow a process and since no one outside of you knows anything about an investigation you are clearly lying. #fakenews!

Did the DOJ suggest that you take a basic 3rd grade spelling and grammar course. One again, let me reiterate the DOJ does not conduct investigations via the phone. They follow a process and since no one outside of you knows anything about an investigation you are clearly lying. #fakenews!

Really? They fly to everyone's home to ask them questions?? Lol moron. Call up reps from Main to Florida and see how many have received a phone call. Why are you disputing this fact? You think that a DOJ investigation is going to stop someone who is unemployed, or a pharm rep from working here? That's the employment pool for ZOLL. PS DOJ investigations take YEARS. Check out the internet and past DOJ investigations. You see any of the past investigations concluding in 2 or 3 years?? Try 6 or 7. Judging from your past ridiculous comments you'll still be working for Zoll when this investigation concludes. And if the DOJ wants to talk to past employees the telephone seems the best way to reach someone. Apparently your neck of the woods doesn't have cell towers yet. My advice to you is to turn off the tv get outa little more and get your head out of your ass. Subpoena lol!!! Do you think I said no Mr DOJ I don't want to talk to you? Do you think I said no you can't have my computer? Both cases im sure would require a subpoena, if the DOJ felt I had information pertaining to their investigation. But since many many many of us are willing to share whatever information is asked of us, no subpoena needed! Now if they bring a case against ZOLL, I'm sure the subpoenas will fly.

Really? They fly to everyone's home to ask them questions?? Lol moron. Call up reps from Main to Florida and see how many have received a phone call. Why are you disputing this fact? You think that a DOJ investigation is going to stop someone who is unemployed, or a pharm rep from working here? That's the employment pool for ZOLL. PS DOJ investigations take YEARS. Check out the internet and past DOJ investigations. You see any of the past investigations concluding in 2 or 3 years?? Try 6 or 7. Judging from your past ridiculous comments you'll still be working for Zoll when this investigation concludes. And if the DOJ wants to talk to past employees the telephone seems the best way to reach someone. Apparently your neck of the woods doesn't have cell towers yet. My advice to you is to turn off the tv get outa little more and get your head out of your ass. Subpoena lol!!! Do you think I said no Mr DOJ I don't want to talk to you? Do you think I said no you can't have my computer? Both cases im sure would require a subpoena, if the DOJ felt I had information pertaining to their investigation. But since many many many of us are willing to share whatever information is asked of us, no subpoena needed! Now if they bring a case against ZOLL, I'm sure the subpoenas will fly.

To: Moron
From: Your competent Ex-Manager

Subject: Everyone knows you are you sniveling little sissy. Please spell Attorney correctly once and I will name you on this site.

Really? They fly to everyone's home to ask them questions?? Lol moron. Call up reps from Main to Florida and see how many have received a phone call. Why are you disputing this fact? You think that a DOJ investigation is going to stop someone who is unemployed, or a pharm rep from working here? That's the employment pool for ZOLL. PS DOJ investigations take YEARS. Check out the internet and past DOJ investigations. You see any of the past investigations concluding in 2 or 3 years?? Try 6 or 7. Judging from your past ridiculous comments you'll still be working for Zoll when this investigation concludes. And if the DOJ wants to talk to past employees the telephone seems the best way to reach someone. Apparently your neck of the woods doesn't have cell towers yet. My advice to you is to turn off the tv get outa little more and get your head out of your ass. Subpoena lol!!! Do you think I said no Mr DOJ I don't want to talk to you? Do you think I said no you can't have my computer? Both cases im sure would require a subpoena, if the DOJ felt I had information pertaining to their investigation. But since many many many of us are willing to share whatever information is asked of us, no subpoena needed! Now if they bring a case against ZOLL, I'm sure the subpoenas will fly.
At this point your obviously just goofing around. No one can be this grammatically inept. Mispellling Maine, that was almost as good as attorney. No one can be this stupid. To think the government basically conducts interviews the same way as a telemarketer, priceless. I've been interviewed by the DOJ they set up a meeting with you typically in either a government office or a law firm. You had me going there for a little while. Thank you for entertaining us.

Someone needs to out this illiterate punk!

Lol yeah the DOJ doesn't make calls! That's hysterical!! Yeah your right they interviewed 50 ZOLL reps and the investigator in charge flew to 50 different cities and conducted the interview at the local library!! Idiot. Ask Boston Scientific how many reps got calls from the DOJ. Can you really be that stupid? Oh wait you work at ZOLL.