HRS wasn't a home run, it was a grand slam!


Wow! Our booth was all the buzz and JW was holding court with some of the most significant names in EP. I now see why he runs the show, the man is a maestro conducting a well tuned orchestra. Wearit-2 was all the buzz and our growth will continue to explode. We are now entering the Zoll renaissance so enjoy and appreciate our position.

Wow! Our booth was all the buzz and JW was holding court with some of the most significant names in EP. I now see why he runs the show, the man is a maestro conducting a well tuned orchestra. Wearit-2 was all the buzz and our growth will continue to explode. We are now entering the Zoll renaissance so enjoy and appreciate our position.

Did the DOJ stop by?

Wow! Our booth was all the buzz and JW was holding court with some of the most significant names in EP. I now see why he runs the show, the man is a maestro conducting a well tuned orchestra. Wearit-2 was all the buzz and our growth will continue to explode. We are now entering the Zoll renaissance so enjoy and appreciate our position.

You idiot! they were standing in line for the head not involved at the booth. Just like all the other years, I will ask marketing for the contacts they generated and get crickets or some name of a non-decision maker. Marketing here is useless, nothing but a bunch of wind up dolls that do not qualify targets and spit the same talking points at every head. Useless.

Wow! Our booth was all the buzz and JW was holding court with some of the most significant names in EP. I now see why he runs the show, the man is a maestro conducting a well tuned orchestra. Wearit-2 was all the buzz and our growth will continue to explode. We are now entering the Zoll renaissance so enjoy and appreciate our position.

Wearit-II was named the most significant clinical trial at HRS 2017. Marketing stole the show and JW was voted top senior executive leader by his peers.

Show me the VEST Trial Results, disappointing I hear, going for the ZEMA Product approval to save the company. How sad my let a in-experianced person drive the company future. Listen to this, LifeVest Division and cash cow is in jeapordy, wait and see, Vest Trial will be delayed released and wait for the spin zone, oh so bad, but new product with lung fluid comimg to keep the revenue flowing. Wait and see if CMS approves Medicare approval!
Lol, keep on hiring, your mission will soon be told and massive layorf to come!

Wearit-II was named the most significant clinical trial at HRS 2017. Marketing stole the show and JW was voted top senior executive leader by his peers.

That's funny I was there for two days and no mention of WCD trials. I did see how folks made concerted efforts to avoid the zoll booth. Cripes how many suits did you have in there? The ones that did get caught looked more like hostages. Maybe I am wrong, please provide the HRS link to your Wearit-II claim, thanks.

You idiot! they were standing in line for the head not involved at the booth. Just like all the other years, I will ask marketing for the contacts they generated and get crickets or some name of a non-decision maker. Marketing here is useless, nothing but a bunch of wind up dolls that do not qualify targets and spit the same talking points at every head. Useless.
Here we go another malcontent slamming our company as we continue to exhibit the best growth in the med device space. I implore you JW please accelerate the purge of these hysterical hypocrites who suck at the tit of Zoll and then anonymously bash us on this site.

Well if marketing is running the show, we will soon be the premier Pharma company and show 1% reduction in mortality you rounding up the Vest Trial! What company takes 7 years to complete a trial? Zoll Medical, without any product to replace the LV. Wait till the growth rates in 3rd and 4th quarters kick in, let's see the growth LV provides! New culture, new IC, should we not have new senior management to make the real changes needed? New IC plan, up the quotas twice a year now. LOL!

Did marketing use the Sharepoint and did they record PPM calls on all these contacts? I cannot wait to followup on these physicians, especially if Jason was holding court in the booth! Wow, thank you for the help, will this increase my quota now that physician was seen in another city or territory? So excited, like I cannot breath I am so excited!

Did marketing use the Sharepoint and did they record PPM calls on all these contacts? I cannot wait to followup on these physicians, especially if Jason was holding court in the booth! Wow, thank you for the help, will this increase my quota now that physician was seen in another city or territory? So excited, like I cannot breath I am so excited!

Did marketing use the Sharepoint and did they record PPM calls on all these contacts? I cannot wait to followup on these physicians, especially if Jason was holding court in the booth! Wow, thank you for the help, will this increase my quota now that physician was seen in another city or territory? So excited, like I cannot breath I am so excited!

Is this a written stutter?

Here we go another malcontent slamming our company as we continue to exhibit the best growth in the med device space. I implore you JW please accelerate the purge of these hysterical hypocrites who suck at the tit of Zoll and then anonymously bash us on this site.

I asked if the DOJ was at the booth!! Don't ignore me! Answer the question!

Here we go again with the fake news about the DOJ. Google it moron, there is nothing there outside of rigorous, meticulous and ethical compliance by Zoll.

Really fake news? Lol so I didn't receive a call from the DOJ and the states attourney from ....... it was all fake??? They sounded pretty official.

Really fake news? Lol so I didn't receive a call from the DOJ and the states attourney from ....... it was all fake??? They sounded pretty official.
First sir, you are an ignoramous. Learn how to spell attorney before attempting to rebut me. Second, you just proved yourself a fraud. The OIG, DOJ or any of the alphabet boys do not use the phone to contact potential witnesses during a formal investigation. If these gentlemen want to talk, you would receive a subpoena. Finally, why would a State Attorney have need need to speak to you regarding laws that clearly pertain to federal statutes. Once you receive a formal subpoena and are interviewed by a real investigator than make a claim. Until then cease and desist your scurrilous claims.

First sir, you are an ignoramous. Learn how to spell attorney before attempting to rebut me. Second, you just proved yourself a fraud. The OIG, DOJ or any of the alphabet boys do not use the phone to contact potential witnesses during a formal investigation. If these gentlemen want to talk, you would receive a subpoena. Finally, why would a State Attorney have need need to speak to you regarding laws that clearly pertain to federal statutes. Once you receive a formal subpoena and are interviewed by a real investigator than make a claim. Until then cease and desist your scurrilous claims.

Amen and Bless you good sir!