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I was recently offered and accepted a position at Pfizer, then at the last minute the offer was rescinded, the reason I was given was something in my DMV (note: my DMV was checked in Jan then in Mar with no issues). My understanding is the bc I had 2 speeding tickets in 2012. I have never been furnished a written explanation of what the company standard is and where I failed to met the standards. From what I have found on Pfizers website is "3 moving violations with in 3 years) I have 1 with in 3 years at this time. Can anyone provide more information about suspended license as well (what is the time parameters)? Is it ever in your entire life? Again according to Pfizer webpage, "suspension longer than one year is disqualifying". I had a suspension bc I was late paying one of the previously mentioned speeding tickets, the length was about 6 months. I have lost my dream job at my dream company and I have been offered no expiation as to what exactly is the reason. If anyone can provide info, it would be greatly appreciated as I would love to apply again at a later date. It seems that no one at Pfizer can provide what the company standard is for a DMV report! Please Help! Thank you to anyone who can respond.

2 tix and a suspension are 3 violations within 3 years.

Not paying your ticket for 6 months doesn't speak highly of your responsibility and intellect.

maybe 3 years from now you'll have a shot?

I was recently offered and accepted a position at Pfizer, then at the last minute the offer was rescinded, the reason I was given was something in my DMV (note: my DMV was checked in Jan then in Mar with no issues). My understanding is the bc I had 2 speeding tickets in 2012. I have never been furnished a written explanation of what the company standard is and where I failed to met the standards. From what I have found on Pfizers website is "3 moving violations with in 3 years) I have 1 with in 3 years at this time. Can anyone provide more information about suspended license as well (what is the time parameters)? Is it ever in your entire life? Again according to Pfizer webpage, "suspension longer than one year is disqualifying". I had a suspension bc I was late paying one of the previously mentioned speeding tickets, the length was about 6 months. I have lost my dream job at my dream company and I have been offered no expiation as to what exactly is the reason. If anyone can provide info, it would be greatly appreciated as I would love to apply again at a later date. It seems that no one at Pfizer can provide what the company standard is for a DMV report! Please Help! Thank you to anyone who can respond.

Dream job are you kidding. Consider yourself lucky. go find a real job!!

I was recently offered and accepted a position at Pfizer, then at the last minute the offer was rescinded, the reason I was given was something in my DMV (note: my DMV was checked in Jan then in Mar with no issues). My understanding is the bc I had 2 speeding tickets in 2012. I have never been furnished a written explanation of what the company standard is and where I failed to met the standards. From what I have found on Pfizers website is "3 moving violations with in 3 years) I have 1 with in 3 years at this time. Can anyone provide more information about suspended license as well (what is the time parameters)? Is it ever in your entire life? Again according to Pfizer webpage, "suspension longer than one year is disqualifying". I had a suspension bc I was late paying one of the previously mentioned speeding tickets, the length was about 6 months. I have lost my dream job at my dream company and I have been offered no expiation as to what exactly is the reason. If anyone can provide info, it would be greatly appreciated as I would love to apply again at a later date. It seems that no one at Pfizer can provide what the company standard is for a DMV report! Please Help! Thank you to anyone who can respond.

It doesn't really matter. If the offer was rescinded it's done. No one owes you an explanation. Bottom line is you are another entitled little twit with no sense of responsibility. We have enough of you "millennials" or whatever you're being called today and really don't need more.
Your best bet, if you want that deeam job in pharma is to go contract company route. It's your car and no one gives two shits whether you are a good driver or not. All you need to qualify is to be able to count to ten, speak two full sentences, order food, and ask for a signature.
Good luck to you, you're going to need it.

Not true! Pfizer is seen as a good employer and jobs in Pfizer are coveted.

All jobs are coveted now that the entire job market is so bad. Pfizer always has fed us the BS that we were the elite...hahahaha....pre crap, but it kept morale high. You can fool immature people, praise is always welcome. We have never had any differential status in Pharma. In fact, there was a time we were not well thought of. In the heydays our high rank was due to the money spent on entertainment of docs, not on our expertise.

I was recently offered and accepted a position at Pfizer, then at the last minute the offer was rescinded, the reason I was given was something in my DMV (note: my DMV was checked in Jan then in Mar with no issues). My understanding is the bc I had 2 speeding tickets in 2012. I have never been furnished a written explanation of what the company standard is and where I failed to met the standards. From what I have found on Pfizers website is "3 moving violations with in 3 years) I have 1 with in 3 years at this time. Can anyone provide more information about suspended license as well (what is the time parameters)? Is it ever in your entire life? Again according to Pfizer webpage, "suspension longer than one year is disqualifying". I had a suspension bc I was late paying one of the previously mentioned speeding tickets, the length was about 6 months. I have lost my dream job at my dream company and I have been offered no expiation as to what exactly is the reason. If anyone can provide info, it would be greatly appreciated as I would love to apply again at a later date. It seems that no one at Pfizer can provide what the company standard is for a DMV report! Please Help! Thank you to anyone who can respond.

Another loser. Consider a career with USPS.