HQ Marketing-WTF?

That's not what I hear about Livesay, he is not a "good guy", he pretends to be. Actually he is in way over his head and is Bob Terifay's puppet. But again, this is hearsay, not sure how much is true.

That's not what I hear about Livesay, he is not a "good guy", he pretends to be. Actually he is in way over his head and is Bob Terifay's puppet. But again, this is hearsay, not sure how much is true.

Just remember Rob always has a pet that can do no wrong and everyone else toils away in obscurity. He can only focus in one place at a time.

Sarilumab is a joke. Regeneron cannot compete with Genentech. Period.

You might want to check out the Lucentis quarter over quarter decline for the last 7 quarters because of Regeneron's product fuck tard. Now get back to eating the meatloaf your mom brought down to the basement for you to eat while you play your Nintendo.