How's Your Statin Doing?

it was simply to buy some time for the cardio division. Effient not naking the cut either so the grim reaper will soon visit this useless sales force.

Effient is the FLAGSHIP product of my innovative FIPNET pipeline. It is the first blockbuster of my promising pipeline. There are many more GEMS like this one in my FIPNET plan. My critics will soon be awestruck as the fruits of my leadership overwhelm Wall Street and send the price of our stock off the charts.

Effient is the FLAGSHIP product of my innovative FIPNET pipeline. It is the first blockbuster of my promising pipeline. There are many more GEMS like this one in my FIPNET plan. My critics will soon be awestruck as the fruits of my leadership overwhelm Wall Street and send the price of our stock off the charts.

The only reason Efient was approved was because it was on my PM plan. My PM consultants just tell me what to do, and I do it -

Effient is the FLAGSHIP product of my innovative FIPNET pipeline. It is the first blockbuster of my promising pipeline. There are many more GEMS like this one in my FIPNET plan. My critics will soon be awestruck as the fruits of my leadership overwhelm Wall Street and send the price of our stock off the charts.

By "off the charts" do you mean "off the top" or "off the bottom" of the charts?

Effient is the FLAGSHIP product of my innovative FIPNET pipeline. It is the first blockbuster of my promising pipeline. There are many more GEMS like this one in my FIPNET plan. My critics will soon be awestruck as the fruits of my leadership overwhelm Wall Street and send the price of our stock off the charts.

FIPNET is fitna. It is the beginning of the end, and then the end itself.

good to see the plavix boys and girls are still on here. product getting beat to death in every cath lab due to the findings of verify now and price skyrocketing. Good to see they have found the time to be on here since soon they will no longer be employed. You had a good run and you can always fall back on that