How's the EP Division

Horribly mismanaged, BSX is not even on the radar screen in the EP world, they are so tiny. Even though EP is a growing market, BSX is not seeing revenue gains at all. If you really want to work in EP, go to St Jude or JNJ.

The EP division was once a promising division of Boston Scientific. It has now been destroyed by inept Management. They have employed the same person in marketing, his initials are DM, that has anchored the ship to a slow death. They have killed the only 2 promising projects they had. Mapping system and cryoballoon. Have not released a single significant product in 10 years, and still are not anywhere close to something new. Boston Sci says they are investing in AFIB but nothing has been done.

St. Jude, MDT, Bio-Sense would be better choices for this space. If this is more of a starter job for you in your medical career then go for it.

Everyone jumped ship in this division in 2010
out of 48 reps 21 left in 2010 there is a reason.
They are getting thier ass pounded by st.jude and webster they have no mapping system which most hospitals are going to be doing all thier afibs with. even the national sales manager roger owens said in a confrence call we are going to ride this storm and make a comeback in the us. The next week he quit and went to abbott he to relizied there is no hope for ep at boston and the comp use to be at 250k is now around 120k