How's fezo going? Lot's of $$??

The launch was completely overhyped and the perceived interest is nowhere near what they thought it was going to be. Essentially I don't think any rep is going to get a commission for this quarter. 400 scripts my ass. What a joke the IC plan is.

Yeah my two biggest OBG decile ACCOUNTS are no access, and then the third one that I left samples for a month ago, and have done two lunches with, hasn't even touched them yet.

Yeah my two biggest OBG decile ACCOUNTS are no access, and then the third one that I left samples for a month ago, and have done two lunches with, hasn't even touched them yet.

You can’t get one script after doing two lunches? Sounds like you did a pretty shitty job with those visits. Maybe you should have stayed at Enterprise and kept renting cars for a couple more years?

I sold hormones for hot flashes and they have a range of doses. A lot of the patients are concern with the beast cancer risk and cardiovascular risk. It seems like fezo has some serious risk with liver enzymes and just one dose. The company has no experience selling in this women health issue and I see a long disappointing launch.

Why is there always one a-hole on here waiting to give this reply? Do you work at all?
Exactly. What a friggin clown. As of the numbers this morning apparently entire areas didn't get a single script. This is seriously disappointing. At this rate no one in the entire nation is going to get a commission for the next 6 months minimum.

I sold hormones for hot flashes and they have a range of doses. A lot of the patients are concern with the beast cancer risk and cardiovascular risk. It seems like fezo has some serious risk with liver enzymes and just one dose. The company has no experience selling in this women health issue and I see a long disappointing launch.
You obviously don't work for Astellas as there are no serious risks for either one of the things you mentioned. This drug is actually very safe.

Real mature.

I’ll be moving on quickly. It’s the titanic with the senior leadership (or lack thereof). Culture has deteriorated. Market research done in advance was inadequate to support this launch. These should be lucrative times for a company and for the reps…quite the opposite in reality for this launch. A shame…a once great culture absolutely destroyed. Way to go Astellas! Fro