How's everyone doing with Entresto?


i've had a lot of interest but no Rx's yet. Feel the Rx's will come but probably not as fast as the company wants. Feel comfortable that things will be picking up in next few weeks

To the mystery Diovan responder, and this is a serious question...why do yo work here with an attitude like that? Leave and give an opportunity to someone else!

What attitude? Let's see
Diovan has been combined with:

Amlodipine & HCT

So what exactly is your shock & dismay over?
If you throw in the plethora of doses you have what like
3 dozen different diovan flavors?

Now you have another.
Hey that's the sales pitch
Diovan, more flavors than Baskin Robbins :confused:

What attitude? Let's see
Diovan has been combined with:

Amlodipine & HCT

So what exactly is your shock & dismay over?
If you throw in the plethora of doses you have what like
3 dozen different diovan flavors?

Now you have another.
Hey that's the sales pitch
Diovan, more flavors than Baskin Robbins :confused:

Exactly. Another pathetic attempt at profiteering of a pharma company. It's embarrassing trying to talk to any intelligent person about this crap. Donovan goes generic and we counter with this crap. Novartis sunk to new lows with this joke.
Shows you what the FDA is.....incompetent and corrupt?

Exactly. Another pathetic attempt at profiteering of a pharma company. It's embarrassing trying to talk to any intelligent person about this crap. Donovan goes generic and we counter with this crap. Novartis sunk to new lows with this joke.
Shows you what the FDA is.....incompetent and corrupt?

Be patient the Japanese trials will begin anew :rolleyes:

Listen. I came here for Gilenya, by far an oral MS drug that should have taken the MS market by storm......and it didn't. Novartis is full of toxic recycled trash as leadership. The people we've gone though is astounding. Your screwed, you have a half assed drug and the same clowns steering the ship. It's not the drug, reps, it's the people in home office....they couldn't lead a horse to water let alone launch a product successfully. I'm out of here in two weeks and like many before me for the right reason.......they don't get it. Bad leaders, lead to bad's simple. But then again, what do I know......I'm a simple rep....

Listen. I came here for Gilenya, by far an oral MS drug that should have taken the MS market by storm......and it didn't. Novartis is full of toxic recycled trash as leadership. The people we've gone though is astounding. Your screwed, you have a half assed drug and the same clowns steering the ship. It's not the drug, reps, it's the people in home office....they couldn't lead a horse to water let alone launch a product successfully. I'm out of here in two weeks and like many before me for the right reason.......they don't get it. Bad leaders, lead to bad's simple. But then again, what do I know......I'm a simple rep....
Everything is done for the Stock/investors. All these smoke & mirrors marketing practices & hollow projections mean nothing. Duping the institutional investors so the execs make millions off options & float away with their golden parachutes is the name of the game. The rest of the crap is just vapid sound bytes absorbed by dull witted buffoons not unlike what politicians do.

DumbTrusto - the sequel to............

BOSTON (MarketWatch) -- Under a proposed agreement, Bristol-Myers has agreed to pay $185 million to settle shareholder suits filed over the company's handling of its now-defunct drug omapatrilat, or Vanlev.

In a release early Thursday, Bristol-Myers said a federal court has given preliminary approval to an agreement that calls for the drugmaker to pay $185 million into a settlement fund. Settlements would then be made from the fund to claimants who purchased Bristol-Myers stock between October 19, 1999 and March 20, 2002.

The legal settlement also calls for Bristol-Myers to commit to publicly disclosing certain clinical trial results and clinical trial registrations via a publicly-accessible database.

Bristol-Myers added that the settlement does not require the drugmaker to admit to any wrongdoing.

Any scripts yet anyone? I've had samples and vouchers used but no scripts that I know of. Most docs interested, about 10% super interested.

I've had a few patients starts so far and more to come. Naysayers are probably Amgen douche bags or disgruntled ex Novartis employees. I'd you're panicking already, you probably shouldn't be in sales.. good luck to you