how you shorts like the 1st quarter results ?


I know you guys are covering and will be long gone soon.

every total non-sense to flat out lie on here has been proven false.

up almost 100% since november thank you for the fire sale.

illumina lost there patent fight and soon judge rader will service justice on them and ariosa which will be either gone or working for sequenom.

You are a moron. Wait until these crooks gin it up to $4.00 and then short it. Considering where these incompetents were when they launched MT21 and how they let a bunch of equally incompetents catch them is a great B school case study. If this management team had any strategic vision they would have owned the market and had a $15 stock by now. If they have so much going for them why didnt anybody buy them for a $1.35 last year? Too many mines in the minefield? Or just let them keep tripping on themselves and buy them on the chapter 11 sale

their is a lot of gin pored now. i guess the trolls on this board who shorted sequenom stock and drinking it to ease their pain lol

where's all the talk of company going bankrupt and share price falling. up over !00% from november lol

Yes, just think......if the stock doubles from where it is today, it will be back to where it was three years ago! Great progress management team!

how many more shares are their now compared to 3 years ago ? you might wanna rethink that statement. buts irrelevant to the real question where will it be in 3 years from now ? A LOT higher than where its now. multiples higher. my guess 2017 sequenom market cap will be over 2 billion EASILY without any patent protection from the federal level, with it 5 billion EASILY.

i know you guys arent happy with your short position now. you see the writing on the well "OH NO sequenoms opex is going to drop and they will actually make profits in 2 to 3 qtrs tops"

Sucks to be you. fun to be shareholders who bought in the last 9 months. free ride to happy land.

BW is doing a GREAT job righting the ship, too bad harry didn't retire sooner.

Sorry I only bet short on "sure" things like SQNM in 2Q13. Oh yes remember those days- the management knew they were going to miss their targets but ginned the stock up anyway using illegal insurance capping schemes, wildly incorrect volume numbers, inflated pricing per test and God only what else. Thanks to insider information I bet the ranch, the farm, the kids and borrowed money to go all in short and thank you SQNM YOU DELIVERED!!! The best payday I have ever had in the market. Cmon lets do it one more time I need a new boat

Sorry I only bet short on "sure" things like SQNM in 2Q13. Oh yes remember those days- the management knew they were going to miss their targets but ginned the stock up anyway using illegal insurance capping schemes, wildly incorrect volume numbers, inflated pricing per test and God only what else. Thanks to insider information I bet the ranch, the farm, the kids and borrowed money to go all in short and thank you SQNM YOU DELIVERED!!! The best payday I have ever had in the market. Cmon lets do it one more time I need a new boat

You mean insurance capping scheme that every NIPT company also offered ? their volume numbers were correct and they never inflated their price per test. you're pay day isnt anything compared to a 100% increase since november so thank you clueless shorts who are now squirming to find an exit.

you guys come on here and peddle your lies. everyone of which is proven false. sequenom keeps on trucking all, taking over the NIPT market like they should. In a few years time the stock will be multiples higher. Good luck being short a stock that will be profitable in 6 to 9 months from now, in a market that will grow by multiples in the coming years.

you hear that sound coming in the 3rd qtr ?? its the sound of OPEX deflating and cash flowing into the piggy bank.

Sorry I only bet short on "sure" things like SQNM in 2Q13. Oh yes remember those days- the management knew they were going to miss their targets but ginned the stock up anyway using illegal insurance capping schemes, wildly incorrect volume numbers, inflated pricing per test and God only what else. Thanks to insider information I bet the ranch, the farm, the kids and borrowed money to go all in short and thank you SQNM YOU DELIVERED!!! The best payday I have ever had in the market. Cmon lets do it one more time I need a new boat

I love reading Bill Welsh's rants on this site.

more gin being poured shorts getting their panties in a bunch ?? wheres the bold I'm all in short ? like last years 2nd qtr that no one hear posted about until after the fact.... greatest make believe payday ever lol

Dropped 5% just on the news of the 2Q CC. Will we see a repeat of 2013? Lower reimbursable volume and lower price per test. And dont forget a cheaper low risk test to come soon at $200/test guess what that is your new price for all tests. Dont worry you all will look good as Quest employees if they will have you

Sounds so familiar.

All you chicken little shitbags need to get out while you can. Sequenom, AKA the greatest Laboratory in the WORLD will reign supreme.