How was the call?

I heard if you affirmed your commitment to “life-changing kidney care” that they doubled your severance, and even in some cases, offered you your job back.

That is a joke, right? There are only 2 people that have comeback to OPKO. Not sure why. It is only a matter of time that this place implodes.

Oh happy days!!! So happy to have been restructured out of this sh*thole. Incompetent people that call themselves management from the top down who just want to avoid the real issue—you have a drug that doesn’t always work other than to raise 25D with a price tag that is equal to someone’s mortgage payment. Docs have had enough of your BS Opko. And to the clinical Putz-man himself…you poor lost, imbecile if you think it’s a clinical message that drives scripts. It’s all about access and cost numbskulls. Let me repeat, oh happy days because I’m outta this sh*thole!!!

Wow! What a great call! Wow! “Budget neutral” is the new mantra. Wow! $5M from China! Wow! A new vis-aid. Wow! Pts are fat. Wow! Only Rayaldee works! Wow! Rayaldee in Covid. Wow! Rayaldee is a home run! Wow! We have great laughs with the FDA. Wow! We don’t cause cancer. Wow! New data and targeting. Wow! POAs are still on! I can’t wait!

Wow! What a great call! Wow! “Budget neutral” is the new mantra. Wow! $5M from China! Wow! A new vis-aid. Wow! Pts are fat. Wow! Only Rayaldee works! Wow! Rayaldee in Covid. Wow! Rayaldee is a home run! Wow! We have great laughs with the FDA. Wow! We don’t cause cancer. Wow! New data and targeting. Wow! POAs are still on! I can’t wait!
Wow! You should leave too.

Wow! What a great call! Wow! “Budget neutral” is the new mantra. Wow! $5M from China! Wow! A new vis-aid. Wow! Pts are fat. Wow! Only Rayaldee works! Wow! Rayaldee in Covid. Wow! Rayaldee is a home run! Wow! We have great laughs with the FDA. Wow! We don’t cause cancer. Wow! New data and targeting. Wow! POAs are still on! I can’t wait!
POA’s are going to be a blast!…… NOT!

Fatty better come prepared with questions on how to get rayaldee going. Oh wait, she’s blowing smoke up Charlie and frosts ass. SHES NEXT AND SHE KNOWS IT!

Add the RSM and NAD to the list of folks sent packing their bags...Thanks for the transparency Fatty.
You and Putz make a fabulous team. You are so fortunate to have him do your job while you can continue to send out your motivational quotes. How convenient.

Why is it that the non-revenue-generating positions (NSD, NTM, NAD) are always untouched? They are paid the highest salaries too. Sure, they let one NAD go simply because he wouldn’t inhale Fatty’s fart like the other two NADs would. What is the true purpose of the NTM role besides being her midget sidekick?

There are 12 (10 RSS; 1 RSM; and 1 NAD) people temporarily in a funk over the last two weeks’ shenanigans. Soon they will all be in a better place, laughing at those of us still here, at the bottom of the dumpster, still on fire, with Fatty, Putz, and Chuck pouring on fuel.

Why is it that the non-revenue-generating positions (NSD, NTM, NAD) are always untouched? They are paid the highest salaries too. Sure, they let one NAD go simply because he wouldn’t inhale Fatty’s fart like the other two NADs would. What is the true purpose of the NTM role besides being her midget sidekick?
Midget is not PC or as the socialist/Marxist/communist call it, not woke. He is a little person like from the wizard of oz with no brain, courage or heart.

Wow! What a great call! Wow! “Budget neutral” is the new mantra. Wow! $5M from China! Wow! A new vis-aid. Wow! Pts are fat. Wow! Only Rayaldee works! Wow! Rayaldee in Covid. Wow! Rayaldee is a home run! Wow! We have great laughs with
the FDA. Wow! We don’t cause cancer. Wow! New data and targeting. Wow! POAs are still on! I can’t wait! Wow, I’m a dumb ass
