- S.S.   Apr 01, 2020 at 12:59: AM
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Several months ago I was doing a little Uber for some extra cash, when one night I pick up this handsome fellow. Come to find out he was a single surgeon going to another super rich surgeon's Soiree. On that short but engaging ride he told me he worked for a hospital in the area that just merged with a "health system". He was telling me how the doctors are more restricted, no autonomy, and have to bow to a lot bureaucracy. He was telling me that he'd rather give up the salary and move to a small town in the midwest where this isn't happening. This conversation with the handsome surgeon made me think of how long they go to school only to be treated as if they hadn't graduated from high school.
I believe that utilizing special and specific management practices will improve health care in hospitals. Some of these practices include: engagement, incorporating lean strategies and increasing patient understanding.
Engagement is a vital practice for hospitals. Hospitals can engage with the community by hosting philanthropic activities and events. At the same time hospitals should ensure that employees are feeling engaged and that their input is of the upmost value. "One of the most important elements of effective leadership is creating an open line of communication with your team members. Sanjay Patoliya, the founder and director of Teclogiq..." Schooley, (2019). This open line of communication will allow employees, like my handsome Uber rider, to feel more connected to the organization.
Incorporating Lean Strategies will most certainly improve health care delivery. Some examples of lean strategies that need to be incorporated include:
Not driving cost cutting though layoffs which can kill morale.
Not blaming people for systemic errors and expecting humans to perform at a superhuman level.
Working staff to the level of their licensure. Leadership & Management, (2015).
These will dramatically improve health care delivery.
Increasing patient understanding will assist in improving health care delivery in hospitals as well. Providers will begin to experience increased job satisfaction, increased performance & efficiency when patients understand their symptoms and treatment plans. This only occurs when providers are not overworked and able to work their full scope of their specialization. "The authors term these “Integrated Practice Units (IPU),” in which an entire team of providers organize themselves around the patient’s disease and provide comprehensive care across the range of the severity of the disease and the locations in which that disease is best served." Schuerer (2013).
Leadership & Management (2015). 10 Ways that Lean Strategies Support the Healthcare workforce and improve healthcare delivery. 10 ways lean strategies support the healthcare workforce and improve healthcare delivery: Hospitals and health system have the power to transform healthcare delivery and uncover new opportunities using their greatest assets; people.
Schooley, S. (2019). How to Be a Good Leader.
How to Be a Good Leader
Shuerer, D. (2015). Six Intervetions to Radically improve the U.S. healthcare system. Six Interventions To Radically Improve the U.S. Healthcare System
I believe that utilizing special and specific management practices will improve health care in hospitals. Some of these practices include: engagement, incorporating lean strategies and increasing patient understanding.
Engagement is a vital practice for hospitals. Hospitals can engage with the community by hosting philanthropic activities and events. At the same time hospitals should ensure that employees are feeling engaged and that their input is of the upmost value. "One of the most important elements of effective leadership is creating an open line of communication with your team members. Sanjay Patoliya, the founder and director of Teclogiq..." Schooley, (2019). This open line of communication will allow employees, like my handsome Uber rider, to feel more connected to the organization.
Incorporating Lean Strategies will most certainly improve health care delivery. Some examples of lean strategies that need to be incorporated include:
Not driving cost cutting though layoffs which can kill morale.
Not blaming people for systemic errors and expecting humans to perform at a superhuman level.
Working staff to the level of their licensure. Leadership & Management, (2015).
These will dramatically improve health care delivery.
Increasing patient understanding will assist in improving health care delivery in hospitals as well. Providers will begin to experience increased job satisfaction, increased performance & efficiency when patients understand their symptoms and treatment plans. This only occurs when providers are not overworked and able to work their full scope of their specialization. "The authors term these “Integrated Practice Units (IPU),” in which an entire team of providers organize themselves around the patient’s disease and provide comprehensive care across the range of the severity of the disease and the locations in which that disease is best served." Schuerer (2013).
Leadership & Management (2015). 10 Ways that Lean Strategies Support the Healthcare workforce and improve healthcare delivery. 10 ways lean strategies support the healthcare workforce and improve healthcare delivery: Hospitals and health system have the power to transform healthcare delivery and uncover new opportunities using their greatest assets; people.
Schooley, S. (2019). How to Be a Good Leader.
How to Be a Good Leader
Shuerer, D. (2015). Six Intervetions to Radically improve the U.S. healthcare system. Six Interventions To Radically Improve the U.S. Healthcare System