How to get into med sales/medtronic?


I am interested in medical device sales. I have recently started pharma, only because I needed some sales experience. I have a MS in anatomy, and medical devices is my goal (since most full time teaching jobs are out). I don't plan on being in pharma long, because I heard medical device companies hate them, and I don't blame them. I know you can make good money with hard work and motivation, and I have plenty of that. I am asking for any other suggestions/tips to break into the industry with no other sales experience except my current pharma job. Thank you for the serious answers.


Aggressive attitude, top notch sales numbers with the right company, and experience.

Med device a pretty tough industry to crack and get into. Once your in, you are in, and have more options. Medtronic probably the best med device company to have on your resume. Maybe should look to begin at a small start up.

Build a time machine, go back 20 years, and you'll have a good 10-12 year run in med device sales. As for the here and now--there are few new mouse traps. Get ready to move (vs. "sell") commoditized products based solely on price.

Get back in your time machine and I forward until you see Morlocks and Eloi...though sometimes I feel like we're there already.

Work with a good medical device recruiter. Find their contact info on LinkedIn. A lot of bad ones out there, these are some that are responsible and respected

Jared Himes...OH
Kurt Rudolph...Chicago
Carol Johnson..N. CA
Jeff Owens...Minneapolis

Aggressive attitude, top notch sales numbers with the right company, and experience.

Med device a pretty tough industry to crack and get into. Once your in, you are in, and have more options. Medtronic probably the best med device company to have on your resume. Maybe should look to begin at a small start up.

Thank you for the advice. I agree that a small company would be a good way to start. Any specific ones in mind?

Work with a good medical device recruiter. Find their contact info on LinkedIn. A lot of bad ones out there, these are some that are responsible and respected

Jared Himes...OH
Kurt Rudolph...Chicago
Carol Johnson..N. CA
Jeff Owens...Minneapolis

Thank you! Will a chicago recruiter look for any in MI or know any MI recruiters?

Somebody grow a sack and send me Pittsburgh CRDM/DM Tim Butler's MDT email address. Give me credit for being proactive, aggressive, and thinking outside the box. I have the credentials... just missing some good luck to give me that edge. I've tried every combo except for random numbers...( Thanks!

Somebody grow a sack and send me Pittsburgh CRDM/DM Tim Butler's MDT email address. Give me credit for being proactive, aggressive, and thinking outside the box. I have the credentials... just missing some good luck to give me that edge. I've tried every combo except for random numbers...( Thanks!

I'll give you credit for being stupid! Figure it out on your own rather to getting on CP for your info. You are not built for this industry based on your ignorant search for contacts. Trust me...look elsewhere.

Answer this question correctly and I'll email you the contact info.

A dwarf-killing giant lines up 10 dwarfs from shortest to tallest. Each dwarf can see all the shortest dwarfs in front of him, but cannot see the dwarfs behind himself. The giant randomly puts a white or black hat on each dwarf. No dwarf can see their own hat. The giant tells all the dwarfs that he will ask each dwarf, starting with the tallest, for the color of his hat. If the dwarf answers incorrectly, the giant will kill the dwarf. Each dwarf can hear the previous answers, but cannot hear when a dwarf is killed. The dwarves are given an opportunity to collude before the hats are distributed. What strategy should be used to kill the fewest dwarfs, and what is the minimum number of dwarfs that can be saved with this strategy?

Somebody grow a sack and send me Pittsburgh CRDM/DM Tim Butler's MDT email address. Give me credit for being proactive, aggressive, and thinking outside the box. I have the credentials... just missing some good luck to give me that edge. I've tried every combo except for random numbers...( Thanks!

Let me ask this...what makes you think your email did not make it to him?

Somebody grow a sack and send me Pittsburgh CRDM/DM Tim Butler's MDT email address. Give me credit for being proactive, aggressive, and thinking outside the box. I have the credentials... just missing some good luck to give me that edge. I've tried every combo except for random numbers...( Thanks!

As a competitor I would love to give you his email address. You seem like the kind of jerk off we all dream to compete against. Try wearing his Dad's jersey into the hospitals, maybe you'll get noticed then. Jackass. I give you credit for being a dipshit.

Answer this question correctly and I'll email you the contact info.

A dwarf-killing giant lines up 10 dwarfs from shortest to tallest. Each dwarf can see all the shortest dwarfs in front of him, but cannot see the dwarfs behind himself. The giant randomly puts a white or black hat on each dwarf. No dwarf can see their own hat. The giant tells all the dwarfs that he will ask each dwarf, starting with the tallest, for the color of his hat. If the dwarf answers incorrectly, the giant will kill the dwarf. Each dwarf can hear the previous answers, but cannot hear when a dwarf is killed. The dwarves are given an opportunity to collude before the hats are distributed. What strategy should be used to kill the fewest dwarfs, and what is the minimum number of dwarfs that can be saved with this strategy?

this is by far the best post I have ever read on CP. Thank you so much for making my day...
im afraid I dont have an answer and actually wold prefer to just be amused by the question. cheers!