How to disable GPS tracking


Wow, Genius Bar. Why not just shut the dang thing off? Airplane mode is useless for email, text, calendaring. Airplane mode only good for taking photos of the hot legs seated next to you in seat 3A and listening to music.

I have a better idea, keep your prying nose out of my business. I am entitled to breaks and lunch during the work day and am entitled to do so without being monitored by my employer. I also carry my BB with me during off hours and there is no way I am amenable to be tracked on my personal time. So my Pfizer issued electronics will be in airplane mode whenever possible. I am a hard working employee, not chattel or a slave to be monitored 24/7. Take your gps and fuck yourself.

I have a better idea, keep your prying nose out of my business. I am entitled to breaks and lunch during the work day and am entitled to do so without being monitored by my employer. I also carry my BB with me during off hours and there is no way I am amenable to be tracked on my personal time. So my Pfizer issued electronics will be in airplane mode whenever possible. I am a hard working employee, not chattel or a slave to be monitored 24/7. Take your gps and fuck yourself.

where is your union card, Gina?

Idiots you can disable reporting of your device location from this app. Ive had mine off for like six months and no one has said anything.

Whoever said Maas report ur location is correct though. Don't need to search it on google to see that though just click on the app.