How to deal with a "Queen Bee" manager?

Queen Bee? Any manager with ego issues needs to have that ego massaged frequently. Ask for the input. Ask for help and coaching. Offer to do special projects. Ask for a list of what they look for in the best call and do it. There is no other way to handle them. Otherwise you will be on the receiving end of a long hard game that you are bound to lose.

The best way to deal with these idiots is to find A REAL SALES job.

Besides, pharma pay is not that great, when compared to other industries. And in other industries, you are respected more and don't have to deal with as much shit if you produce.

Pharma is a political game.

Yes, it took me 10 years to see the writing on the wall (started at 23), but I am glad I see it now, and have the chance to work in a real job with real adults, and no longer have to deal with lazy and arrogant managers or lazy and stupid counterparts or doctors that are little wimps and greedy assholes.

The best way to deal with these idiots is to find A REAL SALES job.

Besides, pharma pay is not that great, when compared to other industries. And in other industries, you are respected more and don't have to deal with as much shit if you produce.

Pharma is a political game.

Yes, it took me 10 years to see the writing on the wall (started at 23), but I am glad I see it now, and have the chance to work in a real job with real adults, and no longer have to deal with lazy and arrogant managers or lazy and stupid counterparts or doctors that are little wimps and greedy assholes.

I don't disagree with you but what industry did you go to, I'd love to forget I ever worked in pharma but finding a good industry to transisiton that is similar in $comp isnt quite that straightforward-considering car sales just to get out - everyone posts its great to get out but never say where they landed!

I don't disagree with you but what industry did you go to, I'd love to forget I ever worked in pharma but finding a good industry to transisiton that is similar in $comp isnt quite that straightforward-considering car sales just to get out - everyone posts its great to get out but never say where they landed!

transportation sales
education sales
insurance sales
chemical sales
device sales
supply sales
frame sales

you get the point.

if you want pharma so bad, move to a larger city, where other professionals think pharma reps are clowns.

Keep in mind; we do not reall sell anything. We are more like PR people with quotas.

The other sales positions named above have to really sell to stay alive. Most know right away if they made a sale as they leave with a contract.. and start with a proposal.

That's a very true statement!
Years ago we were considered professionals and actually sold. Now a days it's this desperate behavior generated from upper management's direction.This only leads to someone like a queen bee that I have to be so overtly corporate pointed nazi like in her attempted management application. I agree with previous post- other industries aren't so incestuous in their management style. PhARMA regulations certainly have't helped us as representatives- I almost think selling life insurance is much more fun & interesting then this micromanaged debacle we have going on here.

That's a very true statement!
Years ago we were considered professionals and actually sold. Now a days it's this desperate behavior generated from upper management's direction.This only leads to someone like a queen bee that I have to be so overtly corporate pointed nazi like in her attempted management application. I agree with previous post- other industries aren't so incestuous in their management style. PhARMA regulations certainly have't helped us as representatives- I almost think selling life insurance is much more fun & interesting then this micromanaged debacle we have going on here.

The survive in the pharmaceutical industry is to have the ability to continually humble yourself, day in and day out.

Its harder to do as you get older, but it is necessary if you want to stay in the game.

That's life. Dumber people making decisions, egos taking over the leadership, and get downsized every few years.

Stay humble is the key.

And then when they are not watching (well, they are always watching it seems, so I could be wrong), just fuck them a little bit. Not a total up and down fuck, but just stick the tip in and that will do the trick...

You have to fuck them a little, or you will lose your mind.

-retired 28 year vet.

Had anyone seen the segment of Queen Bee syndrome that occurrs with female managers on the Today show yesterday ? Any real life suggestions, stories to share?

I had a great manager then inherited a very insecure, balding type man that made my life miserable. I gave in to his "king bee" mentality all the while looking for another job. Got another job in medical device, make more money than he does and don't have to deal with him any more. So, the bottomline is, get out. There isn't any shame in leaving. Having a decent boss is essential to having a good work life.

Also, I don't think this is a female or male issue, insecurity is insecurity.

I don't disagree with you but what industry did you go to, I'd love to forget I ever worked in pharma but finding a good industry to transisiton that is similar in $comp isnt quite that straightforward-considering car sales just to get out - everyone posts its great to get out but never say where they landed!

I got into medical device in the same specialty as I sold drugs in.

So if you sell cardio drugs, look into cardio devices, etc. You have the relationships and the clinical knowledge. But, many pharma reps forgot how to sell, so you will have to prove to the hiring manager that you can actually execute an order.