How shiny can one polish a turd?


Pops used to say : You can't polish a turd. It's shit either way you dress it up.

To wit: I can't figure out why the stock is going up. I know it's not by much and all in all, a buck and change is negligible at best but , I'm a little mystified. I have no reason to complain, but logically, when any company posts a quarterly loss after quarterly loss (even if those losses are decreasing in relative proportion, it's still a LOSS. Also, given how competitive this industry is and how important is it for biologics to have a positive launch, I just don't get how anyone could put their real dollar$ in SVNT.

The reason I ask why would anyone invest in a stock that has never posted a return, and most likely will never, is I'm curious if anyone is privy to info out there that they're not telling us on the front lines. As far as I can tell, the sales are steady, maybe slightly growing, but all in all, not nearly enough to even get out of the hole that management has dug for us all.

Oh well, if wall street doesn't see the nightmare that's going on at one tower plaza they deserve to be stuck holding the bag....

Pops used to say : You can't polish a turd. It's shit either way you dress it up.

To wit: I can't figure out why the stock is going up. I know it's not by much and all in all, a buck and change is negligible at best but , I'm a little mystified. I have no reason to complain, but logically, when any company posts a quarterly loss after quarterly loss (even if those losses are decreasing in relative proportion, it's still a LOSS. Also, given how competitive this industry is and how important is it for biologics to have a positive launch, I just don't get how anyone could put their real dollar$ in SVNT.

The reason I ask why would anyone invest in a stock that has never posted a return, and most likely will never, is I'm curious if anyone is privy to info out there that they're not telling us on the front lines. As far as I can tell, the sales are steady, maybe slightly growing, but all in all, not nearly enough to even get out of the hole that management has dug for us all.

Oh well, if wall street doesn't see the nightmare that's going on at one tower plaza they deserve to be stuck holding the bag....

The board does not tell Wallstreet the truth. My guess is when it starts to fall it will go fast. Didnt I hear there is some kind of lawsuit against Masimo for illegal executive compensation in relation to their stock options???? How they were given or dated or something fishy