How much wine did you net from PODS?

Not enough. I am running low. I need a POD to take place soon. I mean, I need to "drive business" through a POD soon, I mean I need to hide behind a POD to bring home 15 choice steaks, sides and a few top bottles of wine for a dinner party for my friends. My friends love my dinner parties and always comment about the choice meats,and amazing libations!!!!!!!

Dinner once a month for a year from the restaurant! I scratch his back he scratches mine.

Wow lucky you. I hope it is the world famous steak house. That is a great idea. I am going to work that deal next time around. Too much wine it actually went to waste. I love to take my girl to expensive dinners. She will think I am big time when I walk out with it "on the house". Thanks for the tip.