how much ten year reps make?

Yes. This is true. Any reps who make more than that get ushered out like yesterday's trash.

May be true in some cases but not all....still lots of long tenured people around with bases well over 100K

Everyone will scream no way, not true, u must be mgmt, and/or you are the lucky one. But the bottom line is most people today under 32 feel they deserve to be promoted in 2 years and get 9 percent raises all the time. If they don't, they bitch, moan, quit, and go somewhere else. I guarentee you everyone here for more than 10 years absorbed some type of huge professional dissapointment during their tenure but decided to stay. You can't build tenure if you quit the first time something goes against you.

BTW: if you think 10 years is good, try hitting 20 and getting that 5th week of vacation. Sweet.....

May be true in some cases but not all....still lots of long tenured people around with bases well over 100K

Everyone will scream no way, not true, u must be mgmt, and/or you are the lucky one. But the bottom line is most people today under 32 feel they deserve to be promoted in 2 years and get 9 percent raises all the time. If they don't, they bitch, moan, quit, and go somewhere else. I guarentee you everyone here for more than 10 years absorbed some type of huge professional dissapointment during their tenure but decided to stay. You can't build tenure if you quit the first time something goes against you.

BTW: if you think 10 years is good, try hitting 20 and getting that 5th week of vacation. Sweet.....

This must be our famous dm from South Florida!!!Twenty years of incompetence with a wife who is just as bad!!!!His new thing going forward is byob to meetings for their team for future meetings!!!! Wish i was on that team...I got the midget!!!!!

The reps here for ten years kiss ass because they know they won't get same vacation..five weeks..or the income....they will blow partners in...and bury u just to stay on top....

Is it true that a reps at forest who have been there for ten years are making only 70000/year?
if so,,,how sad. i sincerely mean that.

Yes, it is very true. and the "leadership" of 23 yr. kiss enterprise rent a car Dm's you are forced to bow down to or laugh at.....they are making in the mid 60s.....what a fucking shit hole, managers making base salaries that I made as a first year rep in 1997. Forest is by far the worst company in the arena. Forest reps start in the low 50's and are treated like the scum of the earth and are despised by the doctors and offices, the Dm's make peanuts compared to what a real pharma pays district level management. A complete joke. How could you work for a DM who makes less than a average PC rep at a top 50 pharma co.? And for wonders why so many stray.

do Forest reps with 10 years make over $100 k base? Wow--I thought your Company paid terribly. I should be getting my resume out hoping to get on with Forest if this is true. Do you really make that much? How much for 14 years of CNS experience? Thanks

do Forest reps with 10 years make over $100 k base? Wow--I thought your Company paid terribly. I should be getting my resume out hoping to get on with Forest if this is true. Do you really make that much? How much for 14 years of CNS experience? Thanks

Very few do. You would have to win multi P-Clubs or step down to rep from manger. 9 1/2 years + very good results = 86K. We started at 40k in 2002.

so what if you got "promoted" to speciality...and then did that and then stepped down to a much would someone be making then if they had been with company ten years?
I heard you get to keep your promoted salary even if you step down?

do Forest reps with 10 years make over $100 k base? Wow--I thought your Company paid terribly. I should be getting my resume out hoping to get on with Forest if this is true. Do you really make that much? How much for 14 years of CNS experience? Thanks

If you have 14 years experience you have 10 more years than 99% of everyone at Forest! Turnover is 30%-40% every year.

If you have 14 years experience you have 10 more years than 99% of everyone at Forest! Turnover is 30%-40% every year.

Bullsh*t! Turnover is high but in about half of that. Anyone that walks away from any job - even a Forest Field job - in this economy without another one lined up first is more stupid than a Forest DM, and that's saying something. Suck it up, support your family, and pay your bills. It's a JOB, not a hobby. It's nice if you love it, but most workers don't love their jobs...they may like them or tolorate them, but they don't love them.

Why do the people on this board sound like they are being tortured? They should go work a hard physical labor job, or a job that REALLY requires nights and weekends. And for half their current pay. Then they would have an idea of how the other 90% of America gets by.

Bullsh*t! Turnover is high but in about half of that. Anyone that walks away from any job - even a Forest Field job - in this economy without another one lined up first is more stupid than a Forest DM, and that's saying something. Suck it up, support your family, and pay your bills. It's a JOB, not a hobby. It's nice if you love it, but most workers don't love their jobs...they may like them or tolorate them, but they don't love them.

Why do the people on this board sound like they are being tortured? They should go work a hard physical labor job, or a job that REALLY requires nights and weekends. And for half their current pay. Then they would have an idea of how the other 90% of America gets by.

some of us have a shred of dignity left- you the putz that keeps checking the box-if that's the quality of your life so be it

some of us have a shred of dignity left- you the putz that keeps checking the box-if that's the quality of your life so be it

shred of dignity? ya, it's so unrespectful or undignified to work 45 hours a week, get paid twice (or more) the average US salary, and take care of your family. Ya, forest field reps are the only people who think their company is poorly run. Ya, forest field reps are the only employees in america that feel they get assigned useless busywork. ya, putting in a full but not always enjoyable day at work is a terrible lesson to be teaching my kids. Ya, I'm a terrible role model,,,i pimp myself out to Forest every day.

Maybe I should get fired, draw unemployment, strategically default on my mortgage, buy it back for 50 cents on the dollar from the bank, and live off of other people. That's dignified. Then I will get something for nothing, which is what many (but by no means all) Forest reps beleive they derserve.

If you want to deal with an undignified workplace, try working in a Corporate office somewhere, in a cubicle with no privacy, with a bitchy boss hovering over you every minute of the day, with no company car, no flexible schedule, a timecloack to punch, and half the pay. OMG - I don't know what is worse - the shitty DM's here, or the crybabies they hire all too frequently.

"If you want to deal with an undignified workplace, try working in a Corporate office somewhere, in a cubicle with no privacy, with a bitchy boss hovering over you every minute of the day, with no company car, no flexible schedule, a timecloack to punch, and half the pay."

lol that is what we do dipshit. Get your head out of your ass, or are you one of two people who isn't ridden with every other day?

and ten year reps who have always been reps...nothing else...make between 80 and 96000 base.

shred of dignity? ya, it's so unrespectful or undignified to work 45 hours a week, get paid twice (or more) the average US salary, and take care of your family. Ya, forest field reps are the only people who think their company is poorly run. Ya, forest field reps are the only employees in america that feel they get assigned useless busywork. ya, putting in a full but not always enjoyable day at work is a terrible lesson to be teaching my kids. Ya, I'm a terrible role model,,,i pimp myself out to Forest every day.

Maybe I should get fired, draw unemployment, strategically default on my mortgage, buy iback for 50 cents on the dollar from the bank, and live off of other people. That's dignified. Then I will get something for nothing, which is what many (but by no means all) Forest reps beleive they derserve.

If you want to deal with an undignified workplace, try working in a Corporate office somewhere, in a cubicle with no privacy, with a bitchy boss hovering over you every minute of the day, with no company car, no flexible schedule, a timecloack to punch, and half the pay.

OMG - I don't know what is worse - the shitty DM's here, or the crybabies they hire all too

Apparently you haven't gotten to the "tipping point" yet. Just for laughs and giggles, post here again when you do.
Anybody can say they're thankful or lucky because they have .....(whatever it may be-a high income, car , whatever.
However, if you feel like you are a cop out or selling your soul or integrity to walk the company line, let's face it, you're selling out. If you don't "get it" it's time to learn.