How much more "bi-partisan" can you get than the US Constitution?


And yet, hoardes of Libtards did not show up for the reading.

What is with you Libtards and the US Constitution?

We all know now that Libtards do no support the Constitution and will do anything to subvert it.


And yet, hoardes of Libtards did not show up for the reading.

What is with you Libtards and the US Constitution?

We all know now that Libtards do no support the Constitution and will do anything to subvert it.

. . . And it cost taxpayers $1 million for the reading of the constitution.

Where the jobs, Boner?

And yet, hoardes of Libtards did not show up for the reading.

What is with you Libtards and the US Constitution?

We all know now that Libtards do no support the Constitution and will do anything to subvert it.

Yeah, they dont support it enough that they want to CHANGE IT.

Oh wait....thats the GOP.....10th, 14th and 17th amendments with targets on their backs.


And yet, hoardes of Libtards did not show up for the reading.

What is with you Libtards and the US Constitution?

We all know now that Libtards do no support the Constitution and will do anything to subvert it.

Well it is bipartisan if you are actually part of the Republic. But if you are communist or socialist it is a threat to your very existence. It is like the Bible to Satan.

Oh, and the reading of the constitution, even if conceded that it is costing 1 million is saving us millions upon millions by not actually having them legislate. So is a positive for the budget.

Well it is bipartisan if you are actually part of the Republic. But if you are communist or socialist it is a threat to your very existence. It is like the Bible to Satan.

Oh, and the reading of the constitution, even if conceded that it is costing 1 million is saving us millions upon millions by not actually having them legislate. So is a positive for the budget.

One of the most moronic statements ever to come out of your keyboard. They should have 'legislated' as in starting to find ways to create jobs. The consitution reading was a GOP stunt that was not needed and took time aways from the real business at hand.

Where are the jobs, cry baby Boner?

One of the most moronic statements ever to come out of your keyboard. They should have 'legislated' as in starting to find ways to create jobs. The consitution reading was a GOP stunt that was not needed and took time aways from the real business at hand.

Where are the jobs, cry baby Boner?

See you just don't get it do you? Government doesn't create jobs, business people, who usually are wealthy, create jobs. The governments role is to get out of the way.

But then I know you won't agree with this because you believe that government can change everything....including natural weather patterns.

the truth is we dont need some1 2 read the constitution 2 us like a bunch of 1st graders having their teacher read 2 them we know how 2 read on r own
Yet you don't. Go figure.

I remember a discussion about the 2nd Amendment where either you or Doc "Dances on Graves" Who misquoted it and said it was way too lengthy to post the whole thing on this board. All 27 words of it. Clearly a sub-1st grade mentality that needed to have it read to them.

See you just don't get it do you? Government doesn't create jobs, business people, who usually are wealthy, create jobs. The governments role is to get out of the way.

But then I know you won't agree with this because you believe that government can change everything....including natural weather patterns.

You have to stop drinking all that mouthwash during the day.

And yet, hoardes of Libtards did not show up for the reading.

What is with you Libtards and the US Constitution?

We all know now that Libtards do no support the Constitution and will do anything to subvert it.

Fuck the constitution, and the grandstanding. The US govt is a criminal enterprise, has never stood by the constitution or its treaties, and has toppled far more democratic and parliamentary governments than it has ever birthed.

Yet you don't. Go figure.

I remember a discussion about the 2nd Amendment where either you or Doc "Dances on Graves" Who misquoted it and said it was way too lengthy to post the whole thing on this board. All 27 words of it. Clearly a sub-1st grade mentality that needed to have it read to them.

And don't forget the libtard journalist on MSNBC that said it was too hard to understand since it was written over 100 years ago...


And don't forget the Republicans who read it, read an abridged version! Jesus fucking Christ, if what was written over 100 years ago is so damned important, why don't they read what was written over 100 mother-fucking years ago?

Why not? Because (magically) the Republicans have decided it isn't all still applicable. But what isn't applicable any longer is only up for them to decide.

It stinks like horseshit.
Now you speaketh from both sides of your pie hole.

You dipshits want to discount simple thermometer readings from 35 years ago because of "technology improvements" (in thermometers?) makes them invalid. Now, you are wanting to go to historic data over 100 years ago.

How do you do that?

And don't forget the Republicans who read it, read an abridged version! Jesus fucking Christ, if what was written over 100 years ago is so damned important, why don't they read what was written over 100 mother-fucking years ago?

Why not? Because (magically) the Republicans have decided it isn't all still applicable. But what isn't applicable any longer is only up for them to decide.

It stinks like horseshit.

Hey fuckchops,

This has been discussed ad nauseum on TV.

When you are arguing a case in front of the supreme court, do you reference the first version of the US Constitution, or the one that exists currently?


Run along now Noob.

Go ahead, bring up the 3/5 clause. I double dare you.

the truth is we dont need some1 2 read the constitution 2 us like a bunch of 1st graders having their teacher read 2 them we know how 2 read on r own long as it's not more than 45 words.

Far too many have forgotten what the constitution says and agian, I feel this is a good reminder and one that should open every new congress.

Hey fuckchops,

This has been discussed ad nauseum on TV.

When you are arguing a case in front of the supreme court, do you reference the first version of the US Constitution, or the one that exists currently?


Run along now Noob.

Go ahead, bring up the 3/5 clause. I double dare you.

You take a lot of trips to "Shanksville" doncha?

So that means the constitution actually evolves to reflect contemporary times and thinking?

Who woulda thunk it? You better ask Scalia if you are allowed to think like that.

