How much market share will we lose?


I have 4 surgeons that have used the wireless Sonicision in labs, and all have said really good things about it. Not only do they talk about the wireless but they mention the trigger feature. Does anyone know what trigger feature they are talking about? I think we are in trouble on this one, don't care what anyone tells me!

I have 4 surgeons that have used the wireless Sonicision in labs, and all have said really good things about it. Not only do they talk about the wireless but they mention the trigger feature. Does anyone know what trigger feature they are talking about? I think we are in trouble on this one, don't care what anyone tells me!

I appreciate your feedback regarding your experience. The surgeons and staff that have used this have told me that it is cumbersome and not properly balanced thus no advantage. Just like anything it will be territory specific.

In a statement at SAGES 2011 Covidien stressed;

“While the patient benefit of this evolution is negligible, we expect physician interest to be substantial and drive share. Sonicision also improves on Harmonic Scalpel with a reusable battery and generator versus a fully disposable unit. Sonicision targets a segment of the market Covidien estimates at $800-850m of the overall $2.5B sealing and dissection market. Covidien's second entry in the segment at SAGES is the small jaw LigaSure.

UK surgeons report the unit to be bulky and the wireless aspect of it to be of zero benefit.

As for having to process parts - surgeons far prefer fully disposable, as do theatre sisters

I have 4 surgeons that have used the wireless Sonicision in labs, and all have said really good things about it. Not only do they talk about the wireless but they mention the trigger feature. Does anyone know what trigger feature they are talking about? I think we are in trouble on this one, don't care what anyone tells me!

Nah - think about this:
1) at Ethicon - when we do labs - who do we bring in - Docs who are our customers and we have good relationships with! Would they say good things about our new Ethicon device to other reps - sure they would - they are not about to give up the chance of getting invited to another lab by talking smack about us. These docs make some nice coin for participating in those animal labs.
2) It take almost 2-3 years before a new device with a hardware component gains any traction in the med device market for several reasons: a) getting a budget strapped hospital to buy another technology that does pretty much the same thing as your existing technology is difficult to impossible. Once you have the contract - let's say they kicked their Ethicon stuff to the curb (not likely, but for arguments sake let's run with it), it will take time to train up the docs, nurses and staff to use - and clean! - the device.
b) Now you are dealing with the grumbling of docs who have been using Ethicon forever and are having a hard time do delicate work with a device that basically has all of its weight in the handle requiring the docs wrist to support the weight (grip, grip, grip) while remaining relaxed enough to permit fine motor movement. Yeah - it will be fun watching that.... and now docs will either go to manual dissection and LigaSure for sealingn(not likely if they are die hard Harmonic users) or throw a fit and demand their Harmonic back.

Reality - docs that are hardcore LigaSure users will have Sonicision to add to their tool box. Docs that use LigaSure for major vessel sealing and Harmonic for fast tissue work will keep using both. Hardcore Harmonic users will stay with Harmonic. And Gyrus users will keep frying the crap out of their patient's vessels and BBQing the surrounding tissue. Life goes on....

I have 4 surgeons that have used the wireless Sonicision in labs, and all have said really good things about it. Not only do they talk about the wireless but they mention the trigger feature. Does anyone know what trigger feature they are talking about? I think we are in trouble on this one, don't care what anyone tells me!

Like someone above mentioned, it will be territory specific as to how well they do. But we all know that Covidien will over-price this thing to the point of alienating their customers. They've gotten pretty cocky with their pricing strategies and are only pissing more and more customers off in the process.

Not true, I have a hospital that I have a very good relationship with an they said for them it will be about the same price. They said said that they will have to purchase batteries and generators but once they ran the numbers, the cost per procedure was about the same!

Nah - think about this:
1) at Ethicon - when we do labs - who do we bring in - Docs who are our customers and we have good relationships with! Would they say good things about our new Ethicon device to other reps - sure they would - they are not about to give up the chance of getting invited to another lab by talking smack about us. These docs make some nice coin for participating in those animal labs.
2) It take almost 2-3 years before a new device with a hardware component gains any traction in the med device market for several reasons: a) getting a budget strapped hospital to buy another technology that does pretty much the same thing as your existing technology is difficult to impossible. Once you have the contract - let's say they kicked their Ethicon stuff to the curb (not likely, but for arguments sake let's run with it), it will take time to train up the docs, nurses and staff to use - and clean! - the device.
b) Now you are dealing with the grumbling of docs who have been using Ethicon forever and are having a hard time do delicate work with a device that basically has all of its weight in the handle requiring the docs wrist to support the weight (grip, grip, grip) while remaining relaxed enough to permit fine motor movement. Yeah - it will be fun watching that.... and now docs will either go to manual dissection and LigaSure for sealingn(not likely if they are die hard Harmonic users) or throw a fit and demand their Harmonic back.

Reality - docs that are hardcore LigaSure users will have Sonicision to add to their tool box. Docs that use LigaSure for major vessel sealing and Harmonic for fast tissue work will keep using both. Hardcore Harmonic users will stay with Harmonic. And Gyrus users will keep frying the crap out of their patient's vessels and BBQing the surrounding tissue. Life goes on....

Would you care to give us an update on your prediction? Like I said ETHIGONE is the new name!