Surprised to see PAH on here, I've been here for years and I'm not sure I've ever seen a PAH post on C.P. Kinda glad to see some discussion about it though, because everyone is thinking about it. I guess I'll agree with the others. Start - Mid 2026 seems the current best guess. It seems like we are all hoping for Opsynvi to take off, but it will all come down to what insurances say. If there's a generic PDE5 and generic Opsumit, I don't see how Opsynvi will put through 1st line. Patients will have to show documented failure to the components first. The moment that happens, Mace portfolio is probably done. Uptravi will keep us around for a tiny bit longer, but not much. So pick any month between Jan - June of 2026. Somewhere around there, the PAH sales teams are done. Unless of course we acquire another product or company, but let's be real, that's a very slim chance. Hail mary that Mace 75 helps somehow too, but I just don't see it happening. Silly that we keep hearing about how good sales have been and how good our #s are and growth blah blah blah. None of that matters even 1% with regard to the future. Glad to see the topic at least on C.P., maybe someone has other insights.