How many will not show up for this National Meeting?


What's the over/under on reps not showing up for this meeting on Sunday for some reason? I'm guessing we will have at least 10. Not counting the ones who were lucky enough to just get another job.

Yeah right...and miss an opportunity to tell us that we don't know our customers or how to sell? I hope your right though. This is going to be an interesting meeting-nothing but newbies from third rate companies now.

you're an arrogant douche.....what a stupid ass thing to say, too bad i dont know who you are.......or maybe if you're brave enough, you can tell us your name!!!!!!!!! jackass!

What are you going to do tough guy? Put him on a Pip? If there is no other case for why this company is doomed, this is the reason right here. Dumb-ass managers who are worried about policing an ananomous blog. Just shows you that they've got nothing besides get more enrollments.

Go do something like review your marketing pieces.

Agree about the technology and Provenge. Can you discuss what you love about the company? You said you do not work at the company, so I am curious what you know about a company that you don't work at but say you love.

Companies that are loved are usually not companies that reward failure and destruction. Loved companies usually fire failures or don't renew contracts so they can move forward and promote an image to salespeople that failure will not be tolerated. That should include executives as well as salespeople. If a company renews a flawed and failed CEO's contract and comes to some kind of agreement that the huge failure would resign that position the day it became effective and get an amended contract that still paid him his full salary, it sends a terrible message to salespeople.