How many NCAA Pick-Em Cheaters in 2013-14?

Pale, shoe fits?

Slip it on.

By the end of the season you'll be at each other's throats.

It's be a pleasure to be a spectator watching that game!

I'm looking forward to this season. Everyone got along last year except for one troublemaker. W/ him gone I think it will be good clean fun for everyone playing.

Pale, shoe fits?

Slip it on.

By the end of the season you'll be at each other's throats.

It's be a pleasure to be a spectator watching that game!

It's going to be tough to pick a runner-up to Bama this year, now that the NCAA Cheater Chip Kelly, ran out of town to Philthydelphia. Only someone with zero ethics, could celebrate such a man.

I only wish that Kelly Olynick could play Football. He would sure help the Oregon Ducks this year. There is only one round to Bowl Games.

I only wish that Kelly Olynick could play Football. He would sure help the Oregon Ducks this year. There is only one round to Bowl Games.

I have to admit I really enjoyed watching the Patriots whup up on the Eagles last week. Kelly has proven that his quick hurry up spread offense coupled with a weak defense doesn't really work in College and will not work in the Pros.

I just don't understand how the teams who have totally bought into the spread offense have horrible defenses? The old saying "a good defense is the best offense," still rings true.

Concerning this season you never know who is going to be good. I think Bama will have a good team but there have been some injuries reported recently concerning some of the starters. Injuries play such a major part in which teams are successful and which ones aren't.

Do you think Johnny Manziel will be playing during the first few games? I definitely think he will. These days the NCAA keeps up charade that is "amateur college athletics," the NCAA is all about lucrative TV contracts. Nothing will come of this.

I only wish that Kelly Olynick could play Football. He would sure help the Oregon Ducks this year. There is only one round to Bowl Games.

Olynick went in the first round to the Celtics. Smart move on Boston's part. They got themselves a real jewel. Kelly will be good for $3M a year right out of college. He'll be a household name in 3 years.

Hey, what happened to that big center from Michigan St. with the IQ the same as his shoe size? Is he playing overseas with the slavs next year? heh. The Spartans will certainly disappoint on the gridiron this year just like last. Same old shit. First couple games Michigan State fans will be talking national championship. Halfway through the season ticket holders will be selling their seats at a huge discount. heh.

Looks like all those predictions about the Ducks getting suspended by the NCAA from the bowls got flushed, eh??? Another one of those "I told ya so". Same 'ol same 'ol. Naturally the ones who made that prediction are silent as church mice, aren't YOU? heh.

Ducks will be in the top 5 and slowly inch their way up as the season progresses. Pretty much the same kick-ass team as last year. The coach that took over for Kelly knows his stuff. Look for good things from him. Go Ducks!

Are you going to play Pick-Em this year, Libs, or are you going to stand on the sidelines with your hands in your pockets playing pocket pool and spectate as usual, only to throw in a worthless comment or 2 every so often? If I moderated the boards I wouldn't let you in the front door. You little tattle tail bitch. heh.

Put on a good show, BamaBoy. I'll be laughing at all the losers.

Manuel is the chosen one now, and will play until the NCAA is shamed into suspending or banning him. Kelly's learning that there are no Arizona States or Colorados, just like the new Chuck Nevitt (Olnyk) will discover that there are no cupcakes in the NBA.

Olynick went in the first round to the Celtics. Smart move on Boston's part. They got themselves a real jewel. Kelly will be good for $3M a year right out of college. He'll be a household name in 3 years.

Hey, what happened to that big center from Michigan St. with the IQ the same as his shoe size? Is he playing overseas with the slavs next year? heh. The Spartans will certainly disappoint on the gridiron this year just like last. Same old shit. First couple games Michigan State fans will be talking national championship. Halfway through the season ticket holders will be selling their seats at a huge discount. heh.

Looks like all those predictions about the Ducks getting suspended by the NCAA from the bowls got flushed, eh??? Another one of those "I told ya so". Same 'ol same 'ol. Naturally the ones who made that prediction are silent as church mice, aren't YOU? heh.

Ducks will be in the top 5 and slowly inch their way up as the season progresses. Pretty much the same kick-ass team as last year. The coach that took over for Kelly knows his stuff. Look for good things from him. Go Ducks!

Are you going to play Pick-Em this year, Libs, or are you going to stand on the sidelines with your hands in your pockets playing pocket pool and spectate as usual, only to throw in a worthless comment or 2 every so often? If I moderated the boards I wouldn't let you in the front door. You little tattle tail bitch. heh.

Put on a good show, BamaBoy. I'll be laughing at all the losers.

I have one question for you boy. Do you think that we've all forgotten about your horrible run of predictions last year? I hate picking the spread, just choose not to. Also, remind me again who said that Gonzaga would barely win their first round game, then get beat in round two? That's right, me.

You will get no argument from me, or from the gullible one that usually defends them. He doesn't have the balls to register, yet chastizes me for not playing pick-em.

My Fantasy Football teams (all two of them), were named "Wing It." Once in the money, once out. He is my favorite. This was an all-time favorite Rome take Van Smack.

My Fantasy Football teams (all two of them), were named "Wing It." Once in the money, once out. He is my favorite. This was an all-time favorite Rome take Van Smack.

Rome needs to update that take to include 'Stoner Guy' at the draft. He would probably come out with the best team. Could even name the team - 'The Chron'.

DIBS!!!! I would start playing again, if I could get in a stoner league. The draft would take 10 hours, but WTF. Damn, that's a great idea!