How many moving violations can you have?

May depend on what they are and how many you have. If they are traffic tickets (speeding, etc) and one, maybe two, you might be o.k. If you have three or more and/or a DUI, I don't believe you will have a chance.
Back in the day, there was someone in my district who was hired with a prior DUI. I doubt the Merck policy hounds or underwriters would let that through in this climate.
Good luck.

the honest question is this: why would you ever want to work for this company? Have you read any of the threads on this site? Its all bad-find another company to work for-you have to be smarter than that.

Some companies are very strict. DUI immediate dismissal, high level speeding immediate dismissal, accident where there is any fatality that is caused by you, dismissal. Not hired if any of these appear or if you are shown to be a bad driver with accidents and tickets.

First and always is will your manager stand up for you. 2-3 speeding tix is very serious in this environment. If you don't have manager backing you up forget about it. If your on a PIP, forget about it. DUI, at fault accident with injuries, excessive speed.... all not recoverable know matter what. If you are talking about just speeding I would get an attorney for sure. It's worth it and could save your job.

Oh, the way I used to drive in my Merck-mobile after having taken the training courses by the company. Riding with my manager and having to do all the right things while he was with me. Then I'd get in the car myself, plug in my laptop, play games, watch movies, steer with my knee while I'd talk on my phone and be gaming on the laptop - all while doing 75-80 on the freeway! But I checked the box on my training courses, so all good!

I wonder how long it will take before somebody fired for a traffic infraction sues Merck. Merck requires representatives to use company vehicles, yet siphons off $120 or so every month from our paychecks. I bet that at the volumes leased by Merck the total per vehicle lease cost is around $150. Merck pays for vehicle insurance through Chubb, yet only single employees or employees married to other Merck employees are the only ones that benefit from this. Everyone else carries personal auto insurance. Nearly every other industry with a sales force pays a stipend and mileage but requires individuals to carry their own insurance. The argument about samples is moot, as contract salespeople use personal vehicles now.

If somebody loses their license, sure, that's a dismissal offense. All the rest is Orwellian social engineering.

In todays world, one moving violation and you are done--you will not get hired. Two violations and you are fired if you are already an employee.
There are too many employee wanna bes applying with no violations, blonde, big tits, and willing to do anything the managers want with those big lips!!