How many laid-off people are going back to AZ?


AZ has no desire to hire back the one they fired. You were let go because they didn't want you. Accept it. Your "skills assessment" score was low and that was one of the main reasons you were let go. It pays to kiss your manager's ass.

AZ doesn't want you back because they can get some desperate soul to work for less than you did and who costs them less for their health benefits. That is the only reason. At one time only poor performers were let go, but now it is all about cost as the poor performers are already long gone.

AZ has no desire to hire back the one they fired. You were let go because they didn't want you. Accept it. Your "skills assessment" score was low and that was one of the main reasons you were let go. It pays to kiss your manager's ass.

Skills assessment... Hilarious! You mean how well did you read the words they told you to say. Az Is so stupid. Crazy funny. Skills Assessment. How's your self worth these days, porkey?

AZ has no desire to hire back the one they fired. You were let go because they didn't want you. Accept it. Your "skills assessment" score was low and that was one of the main reasons you were let go. It pays to kiss your manager's ass.

100% correct!! Your arbitrary skills assessment score did you in. Look at all the good people let go and the crappy ones kept! Everybody knows someone that was really good and let go while a POS rep was kept!

I heard all laid off / severed applicants who scored a 3 or better on their skills assessments were getting a letter offering them re-employment effective on the upcoming merger agreement. They're worried that there might be understaffing due to attrition and consequent underpromotion of Crestor during the last year of exclusivity.

Everyone rehired will be subject to immediate termination at will.

I heard all laid off / severed applicants who scored a 3 or better on their skills assessments were getting a letter offering them re-employment effective on the upcoming merger agreement. They're worried that there might be understaffing due to attrition and consequent underpromotion of Crestor during the last year of exclusivity.

Everyone rehired will be subject to immediate termination at will.

I hope you are not serious. Moron.

Seriously, I am curious. No mean posts, Please. I'm actually super curious if you decided to go back.

My own sense is that while possible, it is unlikely. I do know of one case where someone was hired back, this was a diversity candidate with a history of good evaluations whose spouse was an attorney. Anecdotally I've heard of others. Reasons I don't think it likely is that you have been paid severance, gone through all of the processes to exit, and your manager felt you were less worthy of retention than other candidates via the skills assessment rating. Management along with HR have made that determination and you in essence now have a black spot on your back. HR has your termination on file and is not in the habit of decision reversals. If you were removed because of proximity to territory and your manager really liked you, you might perhaps get a nod, but I've seen people gone for that very reason that were never asked back. AZ is in the process of interviewing new candidates. Are any of them previous terminations?

To answer your question, perhaps just a few around the country. Your DM, if you are a rep, sealed your fate with the skills assessment score they gave you. Maybe they wanted to protect a less worthy individual for some reason (i.e. single mom), and you were the sacrifice. Like one poster said, we all know good people that were let go and the not-so-good kept.

AZ has it's back to the wall. It looks like they will be forced to merge with Forest out of desperation, or maybe someone else. AZ is not known for making good deals. If they do acquire Forest, you can bet they will have a significant layoff. Other companies have one rep selling up to 8 products (Merck & Pfizer). They could easily go to one or two reps per territory. Crestor and XR sales are falling. Profit is falling. Now that the stock buyback is done, the share price is falling. Brilinta has struggled since day one. Vimovo was a total joke, led by a joke of a "brand team". Symbicort seems to be fine. Our own sales cliff is inches away.

It took me 2 years, but I think I have landed a great job OUTSIDE pharma. At least it appears that I have. I even told my manager, and they were genuinely excited for me and wished they could do the same. Don't let the good money and short working hours make you blind to what is going on.

It is not likely they would re-hire a recent laid off employee. The thinking is that these employees were let go for performance reasons ( even if it is total b.s.). Also, think about how disgruntled the employee was/is about the layoff. Now AZ is going to trust this employee to just come back to work with no hard feeling towards the company to work even harder than before?

I was laid off in February and was recently asked to come back. So to all you people out there who say the ones that got let go weren't good reps, F off. Keep in mind that many things can affect your stupid yearly eval....hire date, maternity leave, etc...and if you had 2 of those in the last 3 years you were at the bottom of the barrell. The managers and reps in my area know what I did for the territory and that is why they asked me to come back.

I was laid off in February and was recently asked to come back. So to all you people out there who say the ones that got let go weren't good reps, F off. Keep in mind that many things can affect your stupid yearly eval....hire date, maternity leave, etc...and if you had 2 of those in the last 3 years you were at the bottom of the barrell. The managers and reps in my area know what I did for the territory and that is why they asked me to come back.

No, we asked you to come back because we knew you were stupid enough to do it. Now we get to fire you again soon! We want to see how many times you'll fall for it.

AZ Management

I was laid off in February and was recently asked to come back. So to all you people out there who say the ones that got let go weren't good reps, F off. Keep in mind that many things can affect your stupid yearly eval....hire date, maternity leave, etc...and if you had 2 of those in the last 3 years you were at the bottom of the barrell. The managers and reps in my area know what I did for the territory and that is why they asked me to come back.

All rehired reps are required to attend the same basic sales training that all others must attend. You were offered a job because they wanted to send you through 90% of the training class and then reterminate and send you home, to send a message to the rest of the training class. You're the perfect person to use to make an example of.

All rehired reps are required to attend the same basic sales training that all others must attend. You were offered a job because they wanted to send you through 90% of the training class and then reterminate and send you home, to send a message to the rest of the training class. You're the perfect person to use to make an example of.

Thanks idiot. Let them pay me a severence again! And no I didnt go back to AZ, again great company, but i wanted to move forward not backwards. Fucker!

I know of 4 people that have gone back with AZ after getting the layoff package. they had to wait 6 months at least and they did not have the "do not rehire stigma" placed on them by their former managers, Yes there is a Do not rehire status put on by managers if you were really not a fit according to them.

I was laid off in February and was recently asked to come back. So to all you people out there who say the ones that got let go weren't good reps, F off. Keep in mind that many things can affect your stupid yearly eval....hire date, maternity leave, etc...and if you had 2 of those in the last 3 years you were at the bottom of the barrell. The managers and reps in my area know what I did for the territory and that is why they asked me to come back.

You're the one who should F off. Good reps wouldn't be stupid enough to return to this dump and allow themselves to be re-canned, which will happen to you again soon enough. You're probably the only fool who said OK.

I know of 4 people that have gone back with AZ after getting the layoff package. they had to wait 6 months at least and they did not have the "do not rehire stigma" placed on them by their former managers, Yes there is a Do not rehire status put on by managers if you were really not a fit according to them.

No they just have the stigma of being stupid enough to return.