How many ES reps are "looking" elsewhere...

Since I have been with ES over a year now all they do is threaten and shove altrus down everyone's throat! Now many of the doc's want to return product and get credit but we are not allowing it . Thus causing havoc with our customers. What a mess I wish I never left my old job.

Don't piss off your current customers. Trust me, you will have to face them again soon with another company. Furthermore, you will have to explain what a fool ConMed made of you promoting and stalking surgeons... all in the name of ALTRUS.

Sleep Well

Before Altrus, Goldvac was the never ending annoying product push that we ticked off customers with. Can't forget having to go through the product again with a customer because my manager insisted on it before a call. The look on the director's face being forced to play along. Conmed management just knows how to ruin long term relationship development. SM is like herpes...never going away.

Before Altrus, Goldvac was the never ending annoying product push that we ticked off customers with. Can't forget having to go through the product again with a customer because my manager insisted on it before a call. The look on the director's face being forced to play along. Conmed management just knows how to ruin long term relationship development. SM is like herpes...never going away.

Herpes LOL. SM is such a DB.

I wish I would have known about CF b4 I got hired. I would have stayed away and not wasted a year of my life.

I have been in the ES div for 3 years and I'm desperately trying to get out to save what little reputation I have left. I have never worked for such a bunch of weasels in my life and live for the day to tell SM to F_________ O__________!!!!! Oh and by the way I will be one out of the 5 that will hit plan this year.