Just curious how many reps are planning to leave this clown show?
Hardly anyone will make goal this year.. maybe 25% to a third of the reps will. ZERO managers will make goal and goals are suppose to go up 30% next year.
Really where are these tubes going to come from? This all equates to 0 or almost 0 bonus $$$$. Company really needs to think about increasing salaries if they are going to demand such high goals and make us drive 1,000’s of miles a month. Retention sucks real bad!
Hardly anyone will make goal this year.. maybe 25% to a third of the reps will. ZERO managers will make goal and goals are suppose to go up 30% next year.
Really where are these tubes going to come from? This all equates to 0 or almost 0 bonus $$$$. Company really needs to think about increasing salaries if they are going to demand such high goals and make us drive 1,000’s of miles a month. Retention sucks real bad!