I am just wondering how many people are planning to quit or stop working until they figure it out in Jan or Feb? I stopped working the week before Thanksgiving. I saw the roster of my new company and recognized 4 of the names on it as still working for Strativa. There was even a managers name on it. If you arent looking for a job- you are going to be very sorry very soon! Those were the ones I knew. There have to be more. Funny thing is we have 12 weeks of home school with 2 weeks mixed in. Already did one week away and saw others I know havent resigned. I am doing just enough to get by and could care less about sales numbers. I am getting faimly to get a script a week and getting PRAISE from higher-ups. I am milking this company for as many pay checks as I can- karma's a bitch. Maybe it will make up for all the times we have had to do stupid fire drills- NO that would take a year or more.