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How long will they keep paying us to do nothing??


When will it start? Loss of bonus? Reduction in pay? Total stoppage of salary? Loss of benefits? If this goes on for months, it’s going to have to happen, no?
Back in field by June; we will get paid; bonus may suffer. Hope the Rx’ s do go down over next 2 months- validates our worth. Don’t spread panic; there is enough f that going around already and MANY people are taking a major hit so count your blessings and help somebody else out if you can.

Back in field by June; we will get paid; bonus may suffer. Hope the Rx’ s do go down over next 2 months- validates our worth. Don’t spread panic; there is enough f that going around already and MANY people are taking a major hit so count your blessings and help somebody else out if you can.
I’m thinking it gets worse through April/May, so things are going to be screwy in June-Aug. Attempts to return to normalcy in September to stabilize before election. Novartis gonna have to find a way to save some cash somewhere. Layoffs on the down low....

I’m thinking it gets worse through April/May, so things are going to be screwy in June-Aug. Attempts to return to normalcy in September to stabilize before election. Novartis gonna have to find a way to save some cash somewhere. Layoffs on the down low....

The 10 billion Novartis overpaid for inclisiran would of been nice to have right now

Starting Monday, your ABL will be listening in on your phone calls to your customers. And you'll receive coaching reports based on how well you manage these conversations. Not sure if they'll have us conferencing our abl in or how it will work especially since this POS company doesn't pay to cover my cell phone data cost.

How do you think offices are going to react to every pharma company calling up and asking to speak to the doc? It’s going to be a mess!!!

As if Mds office don't have enough calls coming in during this time of crisis by real concerned patients now to have needless Pharma calls coming in will be the nail in the Pharma coffin by the end of the week.

The real worry is that HQ is going to realize that the field doesn’t really do all that much in terms of market share. We can easily be replaced by a few cubicles full of dial-a-reps, paying them significantly less with less expressed incurred. Then just add a few physical reps, with a territory the size of 5 of the present design to deliver samples or provide information to offices as THEY request a visit. This virus will be the end to most of us......but not from the virus itself!!

The real worry is that HQ is going to realize that the field doesn’t really do all that much in terms of market share. We can easily be replaced by a few cubicles full of dial-a-reps, paying them significantly less with less expressed incurred. Then just add a few physical reps, with a territory the size of 5 of the present design to deliver samples or provide information to offices as THEY request a visit. This virus will be the end to most of us......but not from the virus itself!!
Impact is important; people who can develop a trust based relationship and who are willing and able to engage in a sales dialogue with appropriate positive tension and a request for action will ALWAYS be valued; sample droppers not so much.

Impact is important; people who can develop a trust based relationship and who are willing and able to engage in a sales dialogue with appropriate positive tension and a request for action will ALWAYS be valued; sample droppers not so much.

Fuck off ABL. Back to dreamland with rest of these corporate clowns.

Impact is important; people who can develop a trust based relationship and who are willing and able to engage in a sales dialogue with appropriate positive tension and a request for action will ALWAYS be valued; sample droppers not so much.
You lost all credibility when you mentioned “appropriate positive tension”. How dare you think you could challenge a schooled, seasoned, medical professional because why? You aced your computer exam after 2 weeks of training and some smooth role plays? Go fuck yourself Panera boy!!

You lost all credibility when you mentioned “appropriate positive tension”. How dare you think you could challenge a schooled, seasoned, medical professional because why? You aced your computer exam after 2 weeks of training and some smooth role plays? Go fuck yourself Panera boy!!
Like I said, sample droppers not so much.

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