How long until pink slips with these low rxs ?


That has zero to do with the reality that the company is bleeding money. It’s not even close to beeing profitable . Many territories are putting up 3 to 5 rxs a week . That’s only pulling in 40k a revenue a year per rep. Reps are costing the company 300k per rep minimum. Yes you guys are hitting quota but the quota and drug is weak . Company was made to get bought out and they didn’t think they would last this long to show such negative returns . They can’t keep bleeding money like this. Pink slips soon ?!?

That has zero to do with the reality that the company is bleeding money. It’s not even close to beeing profitable . Many territories are putting up 3 to 5 rxs a week . That’s only pulling in 40k a revenue a year per rep. Reps are costing the company 300k per rep minimum. Yes you guys are hitting quota but the quota and drug is weak . Company was made to get bought out and they didn’t think they would last this long to show such negative returns . They can’t keep bleeding money like this. Pink slips soon ?!?

Let’s say you’re right and a rep is only pulling in 5 prescriptions a week. That’s $390,000 per year not $40,000. The reality is Caplyta is doing 2500 prescriptions a week which puts us on track to sell $195,000,000 or $613,000 per rep this year. That assumes zero growth going forward. 40% growth since January isn’t weak. Go troll somewhere else.

Let’s say you’re right and a rep is only pulling in 5 prescriptions a week. That’s $390,000 per year not $40,000. The reality is Caplyta is doing 2500 prescriptions a week which puts us on track to sell $195,000,000 or $613,000 per rep this year. That assumes zero growth going forward. 40% growth since January isn’t weak. Go troll somewhere else.

The company is bleeding money. No matter how you chalk it up If growth doesn’t happen fast you will be let go. That’s how business works. Shareholders won’t profitable and yals business model is to get bought out. Not beeing profitable anytime soon will alter that. I meant to say 40,000 a month. Still trash. When reps are 1/3 the cost of medication . This company needs to make more money soon.

The company is bleeding money. No matter how you chalk it up If growth doesn’t happen fast you will be let go. That’s how business works. Shareholders won’t profitable and yals business model is to get bought out. Not beeing profitable anytime soon will alter that. I meant to say 40,000 a month. Still trash. When reps are 1/3 the cost of medication . This company needs to make more money soon.

Try again troll. You know nothing of the pharma or biotech space. All startups bleed money. Many for years before they turn a dime of profit. Case in point, Gilead Sciences. The company that essentially “cured” HIV and absolutely cured Hep C never turned a profit until 14 years after they launched their first drug. And that year, they only made about $53,000,000. Gilead has a market cap over $73BB now.

ITCI is on the right path with an incredible product and pipeline. If anything, we will expand as Caplyta continues to outperform expectations.

Now go back to the Sunovion board where you belong.

Try again troll. You know nothing of the pharma or biotech space. All startups bleed money. Many for years before they turn a dime of profit. Case in point, Gilead Sciences. The company that essentially “cured” HIV and absolutely cured Hep C never turned a profit until 14 years after they launched their first drug. And that year, they only made about $53,000,000. Gilead has a market cap over $73BB now.

ITCI is on the right path with an incredible product and pipeline. If anything, we will expand as Caplyta continues to outperform expectations.

Now go back to the Sunovion board where you belong.

This message paid for by ITCI’s retention division! Helping ITCI bleed jobs, as well as money.

We are launching a new product , every week is going to be an ATH dumbos that’s nothing to brag about . Revenue coming in is not that great 5 rxs a week per rep isn’t sustainable for long term. This product is not a drastic change from what’s on the market currently. Keep thinking you left big Pharma for a higher base and promising start up. You didn’t… this company was made to hopefully get bought out and take investors money and overpay employees. Comparing this company to a groundbreaking HIV treatment is a clown post. Enjoy your 180k clownshow for another year. This balance sheet is horrible.

We are launching a new product , every week is going to be an ATH dumbos that’s nothing to brag about . Revenue coming in is not that great 5 rxs a week per rep isn’t sustainable for long term. This product is not a drastic change from what’s on the market currently. Keep thinking you left big Pharma for a higher base and promising start up. You didn’t… this company was made to hopefully get bought out and take investors money and overpay employees. Comparing this company to a groundbreaking HIV treatment is a clown post. Enjoy your 180k clownshow for another year. This balance sheet is horrible.

Did I say that Gilead’s first products were launched in HIV? No. Because their first products were ophthalmology and oncology products. Not groundbreaking HIV ART medications. That came later. My point was it took Gilead 14 years from their first launched product to become profitable. We launched two years ago. Yes the cash burn rate is high but that’s normal in small pharma startups. Caplyta uptake is beating expectations. Launching better than other brands in the class did. We will be fine as long as we continue to grow.