How long from approval to launch?


I'm not in pharma, so excuse my ignorance. I'd like to know how long is typical from FDA approval to official drug launch. 2 weeks? 2 months? 2 years? And is there a specific launch team that steps away after the launch is over or does that fall to the regular, every day reps?

I'm not in pharma, so excuse my ignorance. I'd like to know how long is typical from FDA approval to official drug launch. 2 weeks? 2 months? 2 years? And is there a specific launch team that steps away after the launch is over or does that fall to the regular, every day reps?

ummm, okay, let's be fair here, if you asked me to give you this info in person, I would want to know why you need such information and certainly would want to know if you are being paid to research in pharma markets. If so, please share the firm you work for as a contract research analyst or if you work for them directly. Also who is your firms client? As in which pharma company does your group have a contract with to do research for? Quid Pro quo darlin'.

I'm reading first post this thread like it was written by someone new to researching the pharma market. Can't figure the whole FDA approval process out huh? Unable to ask questions because you lack and understanding of the basic concepts. Kid must be afraid to let his boss know he's in over his head. So, your project manager asked you to collect in an area you are clueless in. Got news for you, your project manager is most likely equally clueless. PM's just a bully really. Looking for the researchers to do all the hard work and fill out their reports...Because they don't possess the skill set or background to do quality research either.

A couple weeks prior to expected official approval, planning meetings with tests galore, role playing, memorizing PI's and clinical studies etc go on. Day after official approval reps hit the streets unless the company f'd up timing or had to pull certain material not approved . They have planned ahead for time of launch for meetings, lunches, appts etc to target top doc's and spread the good news. Typically vacations/pto are essentially banned for first three months of launch...same reps for launch and after.

A couple weeks prior to expected official approval, planning meetings with tests galore, role playing, memorizing PI's and clinical studies etc go on. Day after official approval reps hit the streets unless the company f'd up timing or had to pull certain material not approved . They have planned ahead for time of launch for meetings, lunches, appts etc to target top doc's and spread the good news. Typically vacations/pto are essentially banned for first three months of launch...same reps for launch and after.

Thanks for the info.

Seems like some here think there's a ghost in every closet. I'm a small-business marketer and just needed that one question answered. Lot's of marketer will try to guess, but I always figure why not ask first. No harm in it and, if I get the answer, cool. If not, the world still turns and I've not wasted too much of my client's $$ trying to get an answer to a question that may or not even be relevant in the long term.

To the pro above, I hope that if you ever need a quick question answered, karma will do you justice and give you the answer quickly. I know I try to pay it forward when I can.

Thanks for the info.

Seems like some here think there's a ghost in every closet. I'm a small-business marketer and just needed that one question answered. Lot's of marketer will try to guess, but I always figure why not ask first. No harm in it and, if I get the answer, cool. If not, the world still turns and I've not wasted too much of my client's $$ trying to get an answer to a question that may or not even be relevant in the long term.

To the pro above, I hope that if you ever need a quick question answered, karma will do you justice and give you the answer quickly. I know I try to pay it forward when I can.

Listen Karma dude, worked in your industry as its not as simple as it seems. We are not all about saving your client money! You are because you profit off of it! So save us the drama and Identify yourself, name of the firm you collect for, who's your client, how much does your contractual agreement pay per report? Come on, why are you posting anonymous? Yours is not a zero sum game. You're misleading, and you are looking to profit off of us by taking information. Tired of the users on here profiting off of OUR industry knowledge and our kindness. too many good folks on these boards are market-research naive. Too may others are users like you. Keep on convincing yourself how great you are. Sorry.