How long does it take to get reimbursement for interview expenses?

You people are all fucking crazy! Most of this board are people bitching about how low the 130K offers are so low which means everyone interviewing is making serious coin. You all need to consult a financial advisor if you are concerned over receiving your $70 reimbursement.

You people are all fucking crazy! Most of this board are people bitching about how low the 130K offers are so low which means everyone interviewing is making serious coin. You all need to consult a financial advisor if you are concerned over receiving your $70 reimbursement.

Fuck you Douche Bag! It's my money not Regeberon's. But if you are so rich, why don't you open your checkbook and write all of us checks?

I just received my reimbursement check- 3 1/2 weeks after I submitted my expense report. I find it comical that I did not receive a decline letter, decline email or a phone call. But it he poor communication validates my belief that I have dodged a bullet.

Good luck to those of you who accepted offers. However, I am glad to not be on the team.