How long do we get to break even?


I’m new to startups, how long will they give us to break even before changing course? 50 million in salesforce expense for q3 but only 7 million in sales.. is that normal?


Yup, the sales to operating cost ratio is more important. For a 1 drug company 20 million in sales for year 1 isn’t going to cut it. I know there are some Biden boys convinced this is socialized selling and everything is kumbuya. Start selling for yourself or this thing is getting sold to a salesforce who can.

Yup, the sales to operating cost ratio is more important. For a 1 drug company 20 million in sales for year 1 isn’t going to cut it. I know there are some Biden boys convinced this is socialized selling and everything is kumbuya. Start selling for yourself or this thing is getting sold to a salesforce who can.

ITCI will be sold eventually but it won’t hinge on sales numbers. Most likely after we get another indication.

I’m new to startups, how long will they give us to break even before changing course? 50 million in salesforce expense for q3 but only 7 million in sales.. is that normal?

It’s less about sales vs. expenses and more about expectations. ITCI has a robust pipeline and a lot of opportunity, but not if the market doesn’t believe they can commercialize the product. This is why they hired so many reps when it clearly was overkill, they didn’t (or shouldn’t) have cared about expenses. ITCI needed to prove they can sell the product or it will be sold to somebody who is proven at bringing products to market.

I’m just a peon but it seems some of this was lost in translation during the hiring process, HR was undercutting managers just to save a buck. I heard that others turned down my job before I accepted, and I’m doing less than stellar. You get what you pay for