How Layoffs Will Be Determined!!!


You know those core competencies that they told us were no big deal during the past few years? Well they are about to become the basis for who stays and who goes!

There has not been a mention of these for at least two years, and last week my manager brought my ratings out to review. He is the first person that has ever discussed them with me and they are ratings from 2008 through 2011! He said they are bring them back to help differentiate people.

If they cut around my territory, there will be no one left to sell anything. We used to have over 80 reps selling in my district geography (admittedly far to many). We now have 6. Customers constantly ask where their rep went... I tell them to check the local unemployment office.

I realize Lipitor went generic, but we still have other meds that need to be promoted. Products like Pristiq, Detrol LA, and Chantix have been abandoned in whole or in part, and the morons in NY can't seem to figure out the importance of product detailing. We've done more with less, but now we are doing less with less. Ian & his toadies are too busy raiding the pension fund and granting themselves blocks of Pfizer shares to notice or care. Does anyone give a shit?

Those competencies were never explained to us as to how they were being used or how we could improve them. My manager said that have been done at every level of the organization and it gives the company protection because it is documentation. Well wouldn't it be nice if they were reviewed with the individual being rated???

The boss makes the call so they can get rid of the jerks and keep the sycophants. Thats code for getting rid of the sales people and keeping the brown nosers. Get ready to live the dream.

If they cut around my territory, there will be no one left to sell anything. We used to have over 80 reps selling in my district geography (admittedly far to many). We now have 6. Customers constantly ask where their rep went... I tell them to check the local unemployment office.

I realize Lipitor went generic, but we still have other meds that need to be promoted. Products like Pristiq, Detrol LA, and Chantix have been abandoned in whole or in part, and the morons in NY can't seem to figure out the importance of product detailing. We've done more with less, but now we are doing less with less. Ian & his toadies are too busy raiding the pension fund and granting themselves blocks of Pfizer shares to notice or care. Does anyone give a shit?

agree...there is not going to be in layoffs. we are somewhat thin already. people just need to relax

If he thins it out too much, it will be like Lucent. My gosh, think out the management for crying out loud! They don't produce the revenue and most middle managers are worthless.

If they cut around my territory, there will be no one left to sell anything. We used to have over 80 reps selling in my district geography (admittedly far to many). We now have 6. Customers constantly ask where their rep went... I tell them to check the local unemployment office.

I realize Lipitor went generic, but we still have other meds that need to be promoted. Products like Pristiq, Detrol LA, and Chantix have been abandoned in whole or in part, and the morons in NY can't seem to figure out the importance of product detailing. We've done more with less, but now we are doing less with less. Ian & his toadies are too busy raiding the pension fund and granting themselves blocks of Pfizer shares to notice or care. Does anyone give a shit?

So true......and to answer your last question.....nobody gives a shit.

Face it, people only purchase generic drugs these days, unless they don't get the results they need. You can convince doctors to write your product but when the patient gets to the pharmacy, they're automatically offered a generic. With the economic problems and people losing healthcare benefits or many going to high deductible plans, very few consumers have the golden prescription coverage they used to. So with or without sales reps, consumers will still get their generics.

New drugs, unless they're first in class, shouldn't even be launched until they have 3rd tier formulary coverage because they won't get filled and the "new" sales force will just frustrate the crap out of physicians who know they can't write the drug until it's covered.