How is NVS going to compensate for CURRENT NVS women?


So current ladies of Novartis. Now that we received our "back wages" pay, when are we going to get our current salary increased to match the men. Was this a one time slap on the hand for Novartis and life continues as it was before the lawsuit with men getting paid more than us? Just wondering......


Yep they can have this measly check back for a base pay increase relative to the males with my same 15 year experience! It's DISGUSTING what they have gotten away with!

Yep they can have this measly check back for a base pay increase relative to the males with my same 15 year experience! It's DISGUSTING what they have gotten away with!

Look at it this way. Say they give you a 10G increase. WHat does that come out to per month? Not much after taxes. Sad part is you may not even be here long enough to enjoy
Take the check invest it or do something with it you may not do with the small increase in salary per month
Kind of like a tax return.

just a thought, but when the next huge downsizing comes, and we know it's coming either this year or first part of next year. how many will be women who were do a increase in pay to bring on par with mens salaries will be cut? nvs will find a way to hide this fact and cover it up, but it will happen, they did it with the last layoff. my pod, the two highest paid reps were cut, 1 male 1 female, both solid reps with 10+ years in pharma.

So current ladies of Novartis. Now that we received our "back wages" pay, when are we going to get our current salary increased to match the men. Was this a one time slap on the hand for Novartis and life continues as it was before the lawsuit with men getting paid more than us? Just wondering......

my guess is when hell freezes over

So current ladies of Novartis. Now that we received our "back wages" pay, when are we going to get our current salary increased to match the men. Was this a one time slap on the hand for Novartis and life continues as it was before the lawsuit with men getting paid more than us? Just wondering......

If they put a tracking device on you, you wouldn't even have a job at all! Gee, they would find you at your child's school, shopping at the malls or at your salon getting your hair and nails done. OR, just home breast feeding. You see, it is the men who need to be compensated. You women are the problem with the companies and are causing more layoff! But I guess you are safe because you are a woman!!!

If they put a tracking device on you, you wouldn't even have a job at all! Gee, they would find you at your child's school, shopping at the malls or at your salon getting your hair and nails done. OR, just home breast feeding. You see, it is the men who need to be compensated. You women are the problem with the companies and are causing more layoff! But I guess you are safe because you are a woman!!!

What ladies? No comments. I didn't think so! Looks lke it is time for the men to form their own lawsuit and I am betting that they will win. Just curious to see how many women will be hired for the Rheumatology jobs! I am watching very close! Oh, and rumor is that if you yell to HR that your manager is insensitive to your ADHD qualities that you are protected with them, what a joke! You know who you are and you live a very normal life that needs no additions elsewhere!