How is everyone feeling?

Just heard the Memphis Tennessee rep only lasted a few weeks in this hell hole and went back to her previous employer. I wish I would have never come over here to sell in this over-crowded market.

Is this actually true? This place was so great when we first joined.

Everything is always so rah-rah and exciting at launch with rainbows and unicorns. Then the investors want to take more profits off the top and start wanting more and more. The slow down of "free goods" with new patient starts and cut backs on vouchers and brand expenses are here! Next thing you know, reality of downturn sets in and it's just us as a me-too drug in a highly genericized ADHD market.

According to JN, the salesforce is the ONLY part of Corium that needs tightening up. What about marketing dropping the ball constantly with no materials, what about all of our missing data, what about the managed markets team who refuse to answer questions, what about KC and PS who are responsible for two sales teams not hitting expectations? Go back to retirement old man.

According to JN, the salesforce is the ONLY part of Corium that needs tightening up. What about marketing dropping the ball constantly with no materials, what about all of our missing data, what about the managed markets team who refuse to answer questions, what about KC and PS who are responsible for two sales teams not hitting expectations? Go back to retirement old man.

missing data say no more.