How is AAH doing?

TERRIBLE - - - we are being managed by pharma people who got kicked out of Abbott/Abbvie!! They are rejects and we get them. What does that say as to our future? Miles is ready to pull the plug on this sorry mess!

Right on - - - we are too small to exist in Abbott's future. We had a chance 10 years ago but we blew it!!! Now we have these pharma people running around with no CLUE as to how to run a business. Just spin us off, please!!

What reps have left? I'm one who left about a year ago. Sorry to see everything is going so badly, but I kind of thought I might be getting out before the shit hit the fan.

TERRIBLE - - - we are being managed by pharma people who got kicked out of Abbott/Abbvie!! They are rejects and we get them. What does that say as to our future? Miles is ready to pull the plug on this sorry mess!

You guys need to wake the f*ck up. I'm one of the people let go last July in the "house cleaning." I can assure you that it didn't feel very good, as I thought I was a very good contributor. As a result, you can't help but do some serious reflection and become a better person because of it . . . so ironically, I'm grateful for the kick in the gut. My advice to you is this;

1. Work your asses off. It's good for the company and good for your soul.
2. Stop bitching. You work for one of the most respected pharma companies in the world. Are you kidding me? Shut up.
3. Help someone. If you see someone struggling, or not pulling their weight, reach out to them. Inspire them. Teach them. Everyone can improve.

Good luck. And if you don't understand this post, please consider stepping aside and letting somebody else pull the sled. You're dead weight.

You guys need to wake the f*ck up. I'm one of the people let go last July in the "house cleaning." I can assure you that it didn't feel very good, as I thought I was a very good contributor. As a result, you can't help but do some serious reflection and become a better person because of it . . . so ironically, I'm grateful for the kick in the gut. My advice to you is this;

1. Work your asses off. It's good for the company and good for your soul.
2. Stop bitching. You work for one of the most respected pharma companies in the world. Are you kidding me? Shut up.
3. Help someone. If you see someone struggling, or not pulling their weight, reach out to them. Inspire them. Teach them. Everyone can improve.

Good luck. And if you don't understand this post, please consider stepping aside and letting somebody else pull the sled. You're dead weight.

You got shit canned last summer and now your write this horse shit? Did you just become a born again christian or what?