How I knew it was time to retire


At meetings I couldn't bring myself to do details before clueless marketing "know it alls'. Couple of times I stopped in mid-detail to the evaluator and said 'I can't do this'. The guy looked stunned but I just couldn't bring myself to presenting nonsense anymore. The presentation had nothing to do with selling.

Burn out or what?


At meetings I couldn't bring myself to do details before clueless marketing "know it alls'. Couple of times I stopped in mid-detail to the evaluator and said 'I can't do this'. The guy looked stunned but I just couldn't bring myself to presenting nonsense anymore. The presentation had nothing to do with selling.

Burn out or what?

More like being a big baby. Still, at least you can see the joke of this industry. Good for you. People stay because its an easy job and they are too lazy to work a real sales job. I can't do it anymore either, too many hoops to jump through and I have enough me money to say FU Corporate Sales, the worst place to be employed by a long shot.

I was asked if Abbott is a good place to work by a young man who was just starting out in sales. I told him that unless he was a Janitor at Rikers Island Prison he should continue looking.

I was asked if Abbott is a good place to work by a young man who was just starting out in sales. I told him that unless he was a Janitor at Rikers Island Prison he should continue looking.

I know. I started in the late 1990s when things were good. Companies sincerely tried to develop people, and there was job security.

I can't recognize this industry anymore. The people in it are mostly demons who managed to keep their jobs by sleeping with the boss or doing some serious political work or throw others under the bus.

Young people desiring for a sale career should look into real estate if they don't want an office job.

If they can hack going to the same place every day, then do car sales.

To do any corporate type sales job, especially pharmaceuticals, is a terrible move because the climate is so toxic and the people are demonic. I wish I was joking. I am dead serious here. Dead serious!

I was asked if Abbott is a good place to work by a young man who was just starting out in sales. I told him that unless he was a Janitor at Rikers Island Prison he should continue looking.

OMG what a crock of shit this thread is and what a lump of shit OP is
Real Story is this .. I knew it was time to retire when... they told me I was fired
bye bye sucker

At meetings I couldn't bring myself to do details before clueless marketing "know it alls'. Couple of times I stopped in mid-detail to the evaluator and said 'I can't do this'. The guy looked stunned but I just couldn't bring myself to presenting nonsense anymore. The presentation had nothing to do with selling.

Burn out or what?

pick up the pace slacker or flip burgers

At meetings I couldn't bring myself to do details before clueless marketing "know it alls'. Couple of times I stopped in mid-detail to the evaluator and said 'I can't do this'. The guy looked stunned but I just couldn't bring myself to presenting nonsense anymore. The presentation had nothing to do with selling.

Burn out or what?

I knew it was time to retire when I hit 50 and saw what idiots were running this place. Unfortunately I still had to keep going for a little bit longer. Now I only have 6 more months and I am getting the hell out of this ridiculous busy work bean counting company. I can hardly wait. I'm chafing at the bit. The minutia and smoke and mirrors are killing me but I will survive because I'm getting out before I die of boredom and bewilderment. Just a few short months. I have a big calendar and put a giant X on it for each day I spend in this prison.

" Just a few short months. I have a big calendar and put a giant X on it for each day I spend in this prison. "

I have seen the same scenario at least 20 times with folks who have given it all and are just trying to ride out this insane place. i can not blame them for feeling the way they do. It is time to get rid of upper management and get some fresh blood in. I recommend a total "purge" to get rid of the infectious folks in management and start fresh.

You need to ask yourself "why do I want to leave?" I feel that even with all the BS that management gives, and all the lame tasks they ask me to do, the effort i put into my work allows me not to be embarrassed when I get my check out of the mail box every other week. I must say it is getting harder each week and I know my time is coming. It was a good ride and this job has allowed myself and family a lifestyle I never thought I could have. But because of smart saving and good investment, I can leave when I say. You know when to retire when you no longer feel you worked and money does not mean any thing to you.

If I was a slacker I would still be there. Best thing I did was leave and start fresh. Worked my ass off at Abbott and had a great run.

You sound like everything wrong with what's going on. Lack of respect for reps.

Reps are a dying breed comparable to aol dial up or VCRs no need for them anymore eDetailing and digital marketing is replacing these overpaid lazy spoiled reps Doctors refuse to have FaceTime and they are banned all together at many university's and hospitals
Find a real job and be prepared to actually work ! (for 40% less)

Reps are a dying breed comparable to aol dial up or VCRs no need for them anymore eDetailing and digital marketing is replacing these overpaid lazy spoiled reps Doctors refuse to have FaceTime and they are banned all together at many university's and hospitals
Find a real job and be prepared to actually work ! (for 40% less)

Not true.
Many sales jobs pay much more than pharma, like real estate and insurance. See, you don't get it, because you are in a corporate mindset, and don't know how to do it.

actually, there are many car salespersons that make more as well.

Remember pharmaceutial sales is not sales, it is simply a promotion, similar to a TV commercial or something like that.

It hurts for some, but that is the truth.

Not true.
Many sales jobs pay much more than pharma, like real estate and insurance. See, you don't get it, because you are in a corporate mindset, and don't know how to do it.

actually, there are many car salespersons that make more as well.

Remember pharmaceutial sales is not sales, it is simply a promotion, similar to a TV commercial or something like that.

It hurts for some, but that is the truth.

I was refering to pharma reps who are not selling anything. I see you arent so bright .Pharma reps give free samples away and if you were in real sales like myself, you would know car salesman are the rejects of the industry and real estate is good, depending on geographics but in a weaker area you would starve Hey buddy, try selling $4,000,000 of a product and get a 8% commission and .25% override plus expense account and pull in 400k/Yr Iam on this board for research for my biotech company We are proving using adult stem cells is a good way of culturing better-quality cartilage to repair worn hips and knees New cartilage that has good properties can be grown in particular by cultivating adult stem cells. You pharma people have a lot to learn

I was refering to pharma reps who are not selling anything. I see you arent so bright .Pharma reps give free samples away and if you were in real sales like myself, you would know car salesman are the rejects of the industry and real estate is good, depending on geographics but in a weaker area you would starve Hey buddy, try selling $4,000,000 of a product and get a 8% commission and .25% override plus expense account and pull in 400k/Yr Iam on this board for research for my biotech company We are proving using adult stem cells is a good way of culturing better-quality cartilage to repair worn hips and knees New cartilage that has good properties can be grown in particular by cultivating adult stem cells. You pharma people have a lot to learn

Holy Crap. If your biotech research is based upon CP Fodder, I will stay the hell away from your faux cartilage. I think you may have some growing from your ears into your brain. Holy, Holy, Mother of Mary Crap, you GED scientists have a lot to learn. This won't happen anytime soon, unless you can use some stem cells to grow yourselves some good gray matter.

I was refering to pharma reps who are not selling anything. I see you arent so bright .Pharma reps give free samples away and if you were in real sales like myself, you would know car salesman are the rejects of the industry and real estate is good, depending on geographics but in a weaker area you would starve Hey buddy, try selling $4,000,000 of a product and get a 8% commission and .25% override plus expense account and pull in 400k/Yr Iam on this board for research for my biotech company We are proving using adult stem cells is a good way of culturing better-quality cartilage to repair worn hips and knees New cartilage that has good properties can be grown in particular by cultivating adult stem cells. You pharma people have a lot to learn

sounds like you have an EGO PROBLEM you douche bag!!! GROW UP!!!!

I was refering to pharma reps who are not selling anything. I see you arent so bright .Pharma reps give free samples away and if you were in real sales like myself, you would know car salesman are the rejects of the industry and real estate is good, depending on geographics but in a weaker area you would starve Hey buddy, try selling $4,000,000 of a product and get a 8% commission and .25% override plus expense account and pull in 400k/Yr Iam on this board for research for my biotech company We are proving using adult stem cells is a good way of culturing better-quality cartilage to repair worn hips and knees New cartilage that has good properties can be grown in particular by cultivating adult stem cells. You pharma people have a lot to learn

I come to laugh at people like you.

Thanks for the free entertainment.

Holy Crap. If your biotech research is based upon CP Fodder, I will stay the hell away from your faux cartilage. I think you may have some growing from your ears into your brain. Holy, Holy, Mother of Mary Crap, you GED scientists have a lot to learn. This won't happen anytime soon, unless you can use some stem cells to grow yourselves some good gray matter.

Actually we are considering several applicants for a top position, and one of them worked for Abbott for 17 Yrs I wanted to see if what he claims is true and I got the info I needed I think you need to get a job slacker and leave the real money deals to professionals
My expense account per year is more than your salary when you did have a job
Now who's got gray matter pion ? My Rolex watches alone,are worth more than 20Xs everything you own The world needs slackers like you so people like myself can just step on you
like a cockroach

Actually we are considering several applicants for a top position, and one of them worked for Abbott for 17 Yrs I wanted to see if what he claims is true and I got the info I needed I think you need to get a job slacker and leave the real money deals to professionals
My expense account per year is more than your salary when you did have a job
Now who's got gray matter pion ? My Rolex watches alone,are worth more than 20Xs everything you own The world needs slackers like you so people like myself can just step on you
like a cockroach

do you want to sell a few of them rolies go see Les at American jewelry in Detroit you get a good deal at least 5% of what they are worth !
what's the least you will take for them pal