As a regular reader and a sometimes contributor to CafePharma I have wondered about just how accurately does what we read in the Novartis threads represent what is going on and the people who are bashed.
Personally I can understand a lot of the anger and no doubt some of the people who are frequently criticized do cheat on time, spouses and are generally poor managers and reps. However I feel there has to be a lot of elements of libel being typed in these threads because everyone is safe hiding behind the pen name "Anonymous".
Beyond all of this, how does this look to prospective employers and recruiters? If I were a manager or director with another company and if I were bombarded with resumes from former Novartians for a sales position, I just might go to CafePharma to get a feel for how things were at Novartis. Seeing some of the very immature comments and downright vulgarity that seems to be a part of almost every thread, it would be a very big turnoff. There would be a good possibility that I would think - "Look elsewhere, stay clear of any former Novartis reps, they are immature, backstabbing, lazy, etc., etc."
Given that there will be another 1600 or so joining the 1400 that joined the ranks of the unemployed last year; does it make any sense to further ruin the chances of landing a job for the large majority of reps and managers that are good people and play by the rules and would never engage in some of the thread responses that we see here daily? I think not. If you have something constructive to add to the discussion, by all means state it. However if the end result of a post is to just pull everyone else down along with you, please just keep your fingers off the keyboard.
Barry Simon
Novartis Hospital Sales, 1997 -2010
Cancer Survivor (Total Remission, in case any of my Novartis friends want to know)
Personally I can understand a lot of the anger and no doubt some of the people who are frequently criticized do cheat on time, spouses and are generally poor managers and reps. However I feel there has to be a lot of elements of libel being typed in these threads because everyone is safe hiding behind the pen name "Anonymous".
Beyond all of this, how does this look to prospective employers and recruiters? If I were a manager or director with another company and if I were bombarded with resumes from former Novartians for a sales position, I just might go to CafePharma to get a feel for how things were at Novartis. Seeing some of the very immature comments and downright vulgarity that seems to be a part of almost every thread, it would be a very big turnoff. There would be a good possibility that I would think - "Look elsewhere, stay clear of any former Novartis reps, they are immature, backstabbing, lazy, etc., etc."
Given that there will be another 1600 or so joining the 1400 that joined the ranks of the unemployed last year; does it make any sense to further ruin the chances of landing a job for the large majority of reps and managers that are good people and play by the rules and would never engage in some of the thread responses that we see here daily? I think not. If you have something constructive to add to the discussion, by all means state it. However if the end result of a post is to just pull everyone else down along with you, please just keep your fingers off the keyboard.
Barry Simon
Novartis Hospital Sales, 1997 -2010
Cancer Survivor (Total Remission, in case any of my Novartis friends want to know)