How does layoff day unfold?


If a day is in fact "the last day", how does it go? Is one told in first thing in the morning, after lunch, or at the end of the day?

How much time is given to clean out your desk? Do you have to find your own box to move your things? When do they take your badge? Does security treat you like a criminal and escort you out, or are you given a few minutes to write an email to say goodbye?

I'd like to know so I can be ready.

If a day is in fact "the last day", how does it go? Is one told in first thing in the morning, after lunch, or at the end of the day?

How much time is given to clean out your desk? Do you have to find your own box to move your things? When do they take your badge? Does security treat you like a criminal and escort you out, or are you given a few minutes to write an email to say goodbye?

I'd like to know so I can be ready.

No time for goodbyes. They will escort you out like a criminal.

If a day is in fact "the last day", how does it go? Is one told in first thing in the morning, after lunch, or at the end of the day?

How much time is given to clean out your desk? Do you have to find your own box to move your things? When do they take your badge? Does security treat you like a criminal and escort you out, or are you given a few minutes to write an email to say goodbye?

I'd like to know so I can be ready.

I recommend cleaning out your desk ahead of time, if you suspect dirty tricks. Take home anything important you want, to make sure you won't lose it, but don't let them know you are cleaning out , chafing at the bit and ready to get the hell out.

I am aware of two "early retirement" layoffs. The victim is given 47 weeks pay continuance with the goal of retiring at the end of this period.

My question-are forced early retirements handled like other layoffs, where they seem to happen on any day of the week, or are they on pay day, or on Friday? It seems to me they are normally on Thursday but I know of only two cases, so its not much data to see a pattern.

For Cardio Care, it was simple. Short Webex while reviewing letter. Complete disclosure of what ifs. Some reps had specific discussion points, which required a 1:1 call.

I have not spoken to a disgruntled rep because of the process which they went through. The why is hard to get over, but process was smooth.

For Cardio Care, it was simple. Short Webex while reviewing letter. Complete disclosure of what ifs. Some reps had specific discussion points, which required a 1:1 call.

I have not spoken to a disgruntled rep because of the process which they went through. The why is hard to get over, but process was smooth.

So should we come to abbvie HCV. Trust me - its not that good of a drug, despite what you have been told. I am afraid if I come there then I will be laid off in 1 1/2 years. My friends say, "then go to another division within abbvie" ...I say back..."where do you think the internal people wanting to come into the HCV division are coming from?"
Your thoughts? (remember-I know all about HCV and the drug pipeline; I just do not know about your company) oh, they want us to take a pay cut to come here to. I have 16 years in HCV of continuous service.

Then stay the fuck away! 16 years of droppings off M&Ms isn't what we are looking for. Tada!

There are fuckers lined up to make 130k base plus a sweet IC plan for this opportunity. Also, everyone knows the risks involved. Yars ago, Abbott stood up an entire pain franchise, only to see it go away.

That is part of the risk and reward of the PHARMA business model. If you cannot be bothered, they why post on this board.

Good luck with your 16 years of experience. I am looking forward to day 1.

Then stay the fuck away! 16 years of droppings off M&Ms isn't what we are looking for. Tada!

There are fuckers lined up to make 130k base plus a sweet IC plan for this opportunity. Also, everyone knows the risks involved. Yars ago, Abbott stood up an entire pain franchise, only to see it go away.

That is part of the risk and reward of the PHARMA business model. If you cannot be bothered, they why post on this board.

Good luck with your 16 years of experience. I am looking forward to day 1.

We will. See you in the UN-employment line again you vertex rep you.

Then stay the fuck away! 16 years of droppings off M&Ms isn't what we are looking for. Tada!

There are fuckers lined up to make 130k base plus a sweet IC plan for this opportunity. Also, everyone knows the risks involved. Yars ago, Abbott stood up an entire pain franchise, only to see it go away.

That is part of the risk and reward of the PHARMA business model. If you cannot be bothered, they why post on this board.

Good luck with your 16 years of experience. I am looking forward to day 1.



Then stay the fuck away! 16 years of droppings off M&Ms isn't what we are looking for. Tada!

There are fuckers lined up to make 130k base plus a sweet IC plan for this opportunity. Also, everyone knows the risks involved. Yars ago, Abbott stood up an entire pain franchise, only to see it go away.

That is part of the risk and reward of the PHARMA business model. If you cannot be bothered, they why post on this board.

Good luck with your 16 years of experience. I am looking forward to day 1.

See that's just it. don't you think the Mc Donald's worker would do it for just the use of the company car? If I was working at Mickkies D for 10 bucks an hour - I would. I brand new company car; free gas; free insurance - Sweet! And...I get free lunches. Double Sweet! But, sad to say for Abbvie, your company is going to get slaughtered by Gilead first, and then Merck later. But you will not even be around to see Merck launch because you will all have been laid off by then. BYE! BYE!

See that's just it. don't you think the Mc Donald's worker would do it for just the use of the company car? If I was working at Mickkies D for 10 bucks an hour - I would. I brand new company car; free gas; free insurance - Sweet! And...I get free lunches. Double Sweet! But, sad to say for Abbvie, your company is going to get slaughtered by Gilead first, and then Merck later. But you will not even be around to see Merck launch because you will all have been laid off by then. BYE! BYE!

Yuh. Buh bye, AbbMort.