How Do We Get This Manager Fired?


How many employees need to file a complaint for it to be taken seriously? Honest question. This "manager" is costing the company boat loads of money by misconduct, rampant lies, and throwing people under the buss when they are to blame. They've got to go! If Natera doesn't wake up they're about to lose a ton of solid reps. These little "cash bonuses" AKA hush hush money ain't gonna cut it. This is the money that's owed for rigging incentive structures. Shame. The internet is going wild on Natera's toxic culture, unethical practices, fraudulent activity because they have stupid leaders calling the shots. This company's representatives have higher IQ's than most of the management above them it's wild

This is a great question. How does someone keep their job with multiple complaints of HR violations and not being in compliance? If a rep did this, they would be fired on the spot. Must be nice to have enough dirt on people to keep your job, regardless of being terrible at it.

Don’t need initials to know who this is about. Can’t dirt overthrow dirt? This manager has so much dirt on them … how lethal is their “intel” really? HR needs to step up to the plate and actually do their jobs here.

RD’s, AD’s, SLT needs to be held to same standard as reps in regards to corporate policy.. if not MORE. Shocking how some have kept their jobs. Is this “buddy system” really that strong? What the hell is HR doing? Replace management with experienced lab professionals that have proven track records - not Nateran’s promoted for kissing ass and brown nosing getting dirt and stepping on others to get where they’re at

This is a great question. How does someone keep their job with multiple complaints of HR violations and not being in compliance? If a rep did this, they would be fired on the spot. Must be nice to have enough dirt on people to keep your job, regardless of being terrible at it.
Is this about a certain someone cheating on their significant other and having to keep the rates employed that are in the know?

How many employees need to file a complaint for it to be taken seriously? Honest question. This "manager" is costing the company boat loads of money by misconduct, rampant lies, and throwing people under the buss when they are to blame. They've got to go! If Natera doesn't wake up they're about to lose a ton of solid reps. These little "cash bonuses" AKA hush hush money ain't gonna cut it. This is the money that's owed for rigging incentive structures. Shame. The internet is going wild on Natera's toxic culture, unethical practices, fraudulent activity because they have stupid leaders calling the shots. This company's representatives have higher IQ's than most of the management above them it's wild

I love working here but there are many promotions that should not have happened. Just deal with it, but if you are trying to CYA just keep emails documented between you and your boss