How do people get away with this?


I just found this site www . roxiticusventures . com that says that richard and andrea and howard just moved next door? And so howard took ESP for a ride through two acquisitions and let them all die along the way with richard and now they are sitting NEXT DOOR with everything? How can all these people get laid off and companies just DIE and they get to just keep doing it again?

"he has been involved with dozens of successful early-stage businesses either as a member of the management team, as an investor or advisor"

Ask him what happened to each and every one of those successful early-stage - e.g., before HE got involved..not one of them still standing but his fat hairy knuckles are still counting his money...

Be glad you all just got out with only losing your jobs. other people have lost a lot more working for him.

Hell - welcome to the decidedly unfair world of business. Most of these wheeler-dealer types are nothing more than money grubbing scumbags. And if you think they have your best interests in mind, just forget it. It's sad but true.

"he has been involved with dozens of successful early-stage businesses either as a member of the management team, as an investor or advisor"

Ask him what happened to each and every one of those successful early-stage - e.g., before HE got involved..not one of them still standing but his fat hairy knuckles are still counting his money...

Be glad you all just got out with only losing your jobs. other people have lost a lot more working for him.

If it is any consolation, Fat Boy has declared bankruptcy on more than 1 occasion. He will fail over and over again. Fro all the former employees in all the companies he started and ran to the ground that he cheated out of pay, he is still a loser.

I just found this site www . roxiticusventures . com that says that richard and andrea and howard just moved next door? And so howard took ESP for a ride through two acquisitions and let them all die along the way with richard and now they are sitting NEXT DOOR with everything? How can all these people get laid off and companies just DIE and they get to just keep doing it again?
Yeah, that is a pretty sickening website. In any regard, as we all know, Richard is clearly a fat ass dick weed.