how do I sign up to help Michael Moore


Been in the field 20 years. I don't mind my fellow reps's but fed up with the DM and region directors. I stand behind the fact that out med s do provide future reserach. I do not think we should be a non-profit organization. And think people do not mind paying for cable and nice dinner's out but heaven for bid they have to pay for health care (but that is not as near as fun as paying for my plasma screen) I am angry about the dopes that run thes companies. How many DM's out there should not be employed. There are too many DM's with far too much power

Been in the field 20 years. I don't mind my fellow reps's but fed up with the DM and region directors. I stand behind the fact that out med s do provide future reserach. I do not think we should be a non-profit organization. And think people do not mind paying for cable and nice dinner's out but heaven for bid they have to pay for health care (but that is not as near as fun as paying for my plasma screen) I am angry about the dopes that run thes companies. How many DM's out there should not be employed. There are too many DM's with far too much power

To sign up with Moore all you need to do is go to any crack house, gay bath house, or liars club in the San Francisco area. You'll find that fat lying SOB in one of those places!

BTW I agree with you that the old school leaders in our industry are asleep at the wheel, but siding with Moore is the wrong appoach. Fact is Managed Care changed the Pharma business model. Most Drug Co. CEO's came up through sales and are applying out of date strategies to a completely different market.

no shit! we should all be selling our products to the managed care folks and Pand T committees. Not docs. They really control the business. I know they have managed care reps doing this, but they just bend over and cut prices. If the Managed care people were bombarded with reps everyday that would be funny!

Hes a fat drooling commie pig. Dog meat that should've been buried in the sewer. Communist pig, send his fat ass to China. He might have something to complain about there.

I don't know where you can sign up... however I do know how best to treat his illness. Get someone to work with you on this: Nab him in a very heavy duty fishing net and throw him in the back if a cargo van. Bring him to a private "clinic" equipped with some vintage electroshock therapy instrumentation from, say, the 1960's. Follow all the old protocols for extensive EST for 30 days. Evaluate the patient. If effective or partially effective, continue to administer EST for another 30 days. Release the patient somewhere in the Yukon territories. If the treatment was ineffective, the only remaining option is a frontal lobodomy.

I don't know where you can sign up... however I do know how best to treat his illness. Get someone to work with you on this: Nab him in a very heavy duty fishing net and throw him in the back if a cargo van. Bring him to a private "clinic" equipped with some vintage electroshock therapy instrumentation from, say, the 1960's. Follow all the old protocols for extensive EST for 30 days. Evaluate the patient. If effective or partially effective, continue to administer EST for another 30 days. Release the patient somewhere in the Yukon territories. If the treatment was ineffective, the only remaining option is a frontal lobodomy.


Michael Moron is one sorry ass piece of lowlife lardtard.

Been in the field 20 years. I don't mind my fellow reps's but fed up with the DM and region directors. I stand behind the fact that out med s do provide future reserach. I do not think we should be a non-profit organization. And think people do not mind paying for cable and nice dinner's out but heaven for bid they have to pay for health care (but that is not as near as fun as paying for my plasma screen) I am angry about the dopes that run thes companies. How many DM's out there should not be employed. There are too many DM's with far too much power

Mike is brilliant and wonderful. The world could stand to have a lot more people like him. Most of you people out there can learn a lot from him..well, if u weren't so ignorant.

I disagree with Moore.

I think it's a financial genious that the FDA was created to test and approve drugs...then doctors are allowed to peddle those drugs for off-label uses killing people while their pockets get filled.

That's how moneys made. If too many people get killed off....Obama's letting +1 million new foreigners become new US citizens annually. Pure genious. There's Billions in the world to keep this scam going on.

My favorite part was where Obama forced Purdue Pharma to reformulate Oxycontin...did they even do clinical trials of the new formula? No? Now all those cancer patients and trauma patients on Oxycontin ain't getting pain relief and are dying of organ failure. Absolute genious on how to generate revenue and save Uncle Sam some bucks.

Moore just doesn't look at the world thru financial profit eyes. People are expendable.