How do I get my Abbott counterpart fired?


Plant an pair of women's panties under the front seat of his Company vehicle and report that you suspect lude activities to your DM and point him in the direction of the seat. Say something like you went out to lunch together and you spotted something under his front seat which looks suspect. Give it a try.

Plant an pair of women's panties under the front seat of his Company vehicle and report that you suspect lude activities to your DM and point him in the direction of the seat. Say something like you went out to lunch together and you spotted something under his front seat which looks suspect. Give it a try.

It's actually "lewd", not "lude", but never mind. If your DM has his or her senses, he/she wouldn't need direction... they could smell them. In fact, if they were really, really good, they could identify the panties by the smell...
That's what I did...

Plant an pair of women's panties under the front seat of his Company vehicle and report that you suspect lude activities to your DM and point him in the direction of the seat. Say something like you went out to lunch together and you spotted something under his front seat which looks suspect. Give it a try.

try Hooked on worked for my regional manager

Serious answer here: If you go out of your way to try to get someone fired, ie: complain, call manager, etc etc The focus usually gets turned around on You. This happened in My district, a rep was determined to get her counterpart fired. The manager was bombarded with daily whining, etc. The manager finally focused on the whiner and pipped her out...So be careful. Remember if You focus all of your energy, etc on the other guy, it's You who gets noticed.

Serious answer here: If you go out of your way to try to get someone fired, ie: complain, call manager, etc etc The focus usually gets turned around on You. This happened in My district, a rep was determined to get her counterpart fired. The manager was bombarded with daily whining, etc. The manager finally focused on the whiner and pipped her out...So be careful. Remember if You focus all of your energy, etc on the other guy, it's You who gets noticed.

The old saying the squeaky hinge gets the oil. Well sometimes the squeaky hinge gets replaced!

How do I get my Abbott counterpart fired?

Invite your counterpart to a luncheon and then put truth serum in their drink. They will call the office nurses "ruthless pigs" tell the doctors what aholes they are, pull their pants off and sh*t on the table, and you may get a handjob out of it in the closet on the way out. Didnt you see Meet the Fockers?

Just report him to HR or the Compliance tools....they will surely find something...and if he or she is already a tool, then the DM or RM will move quickly for their dismissal.....done!

Its no secret. If you work more than most part time jobs, you move business. If this person you have targeted isn't working, get them to commit to a routing. If they don't comply, call in compliance.

sleep with her

No, tell her\him the DM wants to sleep with them. Make it subtle, over time, dropping hints. Plant some stories about how aggressive the DM can be, and crude kinky things the DM likes to do. Then pick some innocent regular but quirky things the DM is likely to do while riding with reps, and plant the seed that these are "signals". Pick one as the "signal" that an aggressive come on is imminent. When your DM does this, the rep may either make a suggestive move, or bolt from the car and report the DM. Either way, they will be PIP'd out quickly.