How many AMs/OAMs of color? 1-2
How many women RDs? 4
How many AA RDs? 0
How many women RDs? 4
How many AA RDs? 0
Who really cares about that crap? Just pay me for what I do and I’m fine. If an employee isn’t performing well in their job over a lengthy period of time, get rid of them! No matter their sex, color or any other demographic.
Who really cares about that crap? Just pay me for what I do and I’m fine. If an employee isn’t performing well in their job over a lengthy period of time, get rid of them! No matter their sex, color or any other demographic.
As diverse as deserved based on experience, education, job description, and qualifications - we don’t give under qualified folks jobs to check a box - we are here to make money.
How many AMs/OAMs of color? 1-2
How many women RDs? 4
How many AA RDs? 0
How many AMs/OAMs of color? 1-2
How many women RDs? 4
How many AA RDs? 0
This company is so fortunate that Heron’s management team more inept than Pacira’s.
Previous poster is spot on, Pacira does not promote on merit. If it did the last four RDs would still be AMs and ranked at the bottom of COE rankings.
Denny’s failure as an AD led to his move to spearhead the DPS collaboration. That landed in the crapper with his stellar leadership. Doh Murph’s inspiring leadership led to his being booted to TelaBio; see “Peter Principle.”
Pacira, in its infinite wisdom, paid millions of dollars to J&J reps that still cannot pronounce bupivacaine. For you DPS knuckleheads is byoo-piv-uh-keyn. Sorry Joyce D., it’s not bra-piv-a-kane. Millions of dollars were paid to disinterested, arrogant DPS reps who continue to laugh all the way to the bank.
Nice job Denny!
If you have such a problem with an issue that is obviously has been a part of our culture, like it or not, for the entire history of this company - you are in no place to complain. Lead, follow, or get the f—k out of the way!