How Cool It Will Be To Reach $1 Billion w/ Entresto in 2019?


All hail to $1 billion 2019 Entresto sales. Haha

Show me Fabrise how you will be UNBOSSED w/ the challenges of Entresto. We need to see your accountability too in addition to being UNBOSSED since you said 2019 will THE YEAR OF THE FIELD.


It's so f****** pathetic , It's almost comical.

Totally! Outside of being told we will be getting new iPads, a simpler Concur expense report format, and supposedly a different sales reporting system after finally hearing the field loudly saying it’s not accurate / hard to navigate, the rest of that 1 hr - 30 min corporate song and dance was a waste of time. Notice very little was said about Entresto except going for $1 billion in 2019. Was told we’re on track here in 2018, but no mention of the dollar amount compared to the forecast.

The one billion dollar is a very key statement. Promacta reached one billion mark in Oncology two weeks before layoffs. Although Tasigna has been bringing in more numbers, this idiotic line saved all Promacta reps and medical personnel in the layoffs. Now instead of giving Promacta to Tasigna folks, it went the other way round. Tasigna people got laid off and Tasigna was handed to Promacta people. These are headlines that can be used to misrepresent the facts. So if you are an Entresto person, calm down, shut up and go with it. It may save you in the next mid year or year end layoff.

How many patients did TFR for Tasigna benefit? A large number. All people who worked on TFR diligently despite knowing all consequences had no choice but to put in their best effort to do their jobs on the strategy thrown down at them. Most lost their jobs in layoffs last week. The idiots who mocked this and lazy people who should have been kicked out for earning vast amount of salary are still working. So fuck reimagine. Where there is no soul, there is no reimagine.