How can I expense my Groceries?????


All week, every week I go shopping for groceries my family needs and expense them as office lunches. How can I expense diapers, toilet paper, frozen TV diners, raw meats, ad even beer? Any suggestions on how?????

Lucie Fartingle
Senior Regional Sales Director

All week, every week I go shopping for groceries my family needs and expense them as office lunches. How can I expense diapers, toilet paper, frozen TV diners, raw meats, ad even beer? Any suggestions on how?????

Lucie Fartingle
Senior Regional Sales Director

So beyond not funny anymore and is indicative of pharma sales ongong slide to complete irrevelance.

All week, every week I go shopping for groceries my family needs and expense them as office lunches. How can I expense diapers, toilet paper, frozen TV diners, raw meats, ad even beer? Any suggestions on how?????

Lucie Fartingle
Senior Regional Sales Director

Go to a deli , they have diapers & the other crap , have them write up a $200-300 lunch
& get the balance in scratch off lottery tickets .
1 of my partners did that for 2 years until they won a 50K scratch off !

What about going to lunch with a manager and the manager gets a "to go" for the spouse....and charges it all on NVS credit card. If managers do it, then I assume you can too! If you think that is the "right" thing to do....then do it!